Actuarial Analyst to Willis Towers Watson

Willis Towers Watson / Bankjobb / Stockholm
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Willis Towers Watson är en ledande global riskrådgivare och försäkringsförmedlare. Med rötter tillbaka till 1828 verkar Willis Towers Watson idag på samtliga kontinenter med mer än 40 000 anställda i 140 länder. Våra rådgivare är specialister inom operationella-, lednings-, och personrisker och har erfarenhet från alla branschsegment och verksamhetsområden - över hela världen.

I Sverige har vi varit verksamma sedan 1979 och är idag ca 180 medarbetare fördelade mellan våra kontor i Stockholm (HK), Göteborg, Malmö och Karlstad. Tillsammans med vårt systerföretag Max Matthiessen är Willis Towers Watson nordens största risk- och försäkringsrådgivare.

The Business

Willis Towers Watson's Benefits Practice in Stockholm advises Nordic and multinational companies on the valuation, reporting, design, financing, operation and oversight of their pension and other employee benefit programs around the world. We provide a wide array of services to our clients including:

• Actuarial valuations for pension plans
• Global IFRS accounting consolidation for employee benefit plans
• Cross-border merger, acquisition and divestiture consulting
• Financial, cost and risk control solutions for employee benefit plans worldwide

The role

As an Actuarial Analyst, you will work as part of a team of senior and junior consultants across Europe in a fast-paced consulting environment. You will have immediate responsibilities on client assignments which will draw on your imagination and creativity as well as your ability to analyze data, reach conclusions and present results. These experiences will help build your technical knowledge and overall industry expertise while you benefit from working in a close-knit and supportive team environment.

Given the size and complexity of our client portfolio, in addition to core plan management work, you will have the opportunity to support diverse projects related to mergers and acquisitions, plan design and strategy, global consulting and other special projects as needed. As you grow and gain more expertise, you will play an increasingly larger role within your client team

Accepted applicants will study for the actuarial exams of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. On successful completion of the exams, graduates become a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Willis Towers Watson offers a complete and flexible study support package that includes:

• Membership fees of the Actuarial profession
• Providing study materials for each exam such as course notes, sample questions, past paper questions, mock exams and revision notes
• Paying for tutorials for each exam
• Cost of sitting each exam and a re-sit attempt if required
• Study leave
• A large body of students working through the same exams, as well as qualified actuaries willing to lend their support

Graduates receive salary increases for each exam passed in addition to increases that may be awarded as part of your annual salary review.

The Requirements

We are looking for a driven candidate who can collaborate effectively on internal, cross-functional and global teams as well as command strong technical, analytical and integrative skills. An ideal candidate would be a recent or upcoming university graduate and would possess:

• A successfully completed degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Finance or a related area
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills, both in English and Swedish
• Excellent Microsoft Office skills, particularly in Excel

Varaktighet, arbetstid
• -


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-06-20
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Willis Towers Watson

Willis Towers Watson
Lästmakargatan 20
11144 Stockholm

Lästmakargatan 20


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