Welding Engineers

Volvo Aero AB / Svetsarjobb / Trollhättan
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Visa alla svetsarjobb i Trollhättan, Essunga, Vänersborg, Lilla Edet, Grästorp eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Volvo Aero AB i Trollhättan, Linköping eller i hela Sverige

Volvo Aero develops and produces components for commercial aero, military aero and rocket engines with a high technology content, in cooperation with the world's leading aerospace companies. Service and maintenance represent an increasing proportion of operations in this area. Volvo Aero offers an extensive range of services, including maintenance, repair and overhaul of aero engines and industrial gas turbines, sales of spare parts for aero engines and aircraft as well as sales and leasing of complete engines and aircraft.
Position Description Welding Engineers, EBW & GTAW at the department of production support within Low Volume Shop
Job description:
As a Welding Engineer you will be working with both sustaining ongoing production as well as the introduction new components in our weld processes. We are looking for two engineers where one position is focused on EB-welding and the other position on GTA-welding for the manufacturing of aero engine components. The job is characterized by structured continuous improvement work in teams. The emphasis of the work is process stability, driven by cost awareness and short lead times. It is of great importance for you to learn about our operational systems and requirements regarding welding in order to be able to improve and secure our welding processes. You will be contributing to the purchase of equipment and lay out of work places. You are required to document your work in technical reports in Swedish as well as in English.
Managing of minor projects and assignments are part of the job as well.
You have good understanding of production requirements. We think that you are outgoing and have a degree in manufacturing technology and/or material science. Experience in EB-welding and/or GTA-welding is considered valuable.
Your comminicative skills as well as your ability to establish good relations in variuos environments are good. Furthermore you can easily communicate in both Swedish and English, written as well as verbal.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-04-25
Sök tjänsten via vår hemsida www.volvogroup.se. Välj karriär och lediga tjänster i Sverige.

Roger Grindeland, 0520-92085

Volvo Aero AB

Volvo Aero AB
46181 Trollhättan


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