Stars of the future within customer service

Xzakt Kundrelation AB - Gävle / Butikssäljarjobb / Gävle
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Visa alla jobb hos Xzakt Kundrelation AB - Gävle i Gävle

Stars of the future customer service, Nordic languages

About you:

Xzakt Kundrelation is expanding and we are currently searching for new agents. We are seeking someone who enjoys doing many things at once, is driven, but most of all is service minded. You will handle varying conversations with different subjects where the goal is to assist and help callers with their issues. We are seeking persons who can work varying hours, both evenings, weekends and day time.

To become world leading in customer service we are looking for you who have a secondary education and posess good knowledge in Swedish, English, Danish, Finnish and Norwegian. You are good at communicating both verbally as well as through writing.

Qualities we are looking for are:
• Service minded
• Positive
• Effective
• Stress resistant
• Fast learner

Do you want to take on a challenge where you have all possibilities to grow, develop, learn new things and doing it together with lovely colleagues in an inspiring environment? Do not hesitate to send your application today!

Your work assignments

Working with customer service at Xzakt has many benefits due to all the knowledge and competence you receive while working, but also because of the invigorating and funny athmosphere you and your colleagues are cooporating in. The assignments are varying and contains several different moments with the purpose to satisfy your development. For you who show interest and energy from the start there is a great potential to grow within your assigned assignment.

Your adventure at Xzakt will begin with an education where you are to learn everything about the industry you will work in, but also all of the systems and rutines you will handle on a daily basis. After the education you will gradually get to practice your knowledge through phone calls and then become the worlds best customer service employee.

As an employee at Xzakt you also be given the oportunity of working at one of Scandinavia's leading companies within customer service, which is currently investing heavily in establishing itself within more industries. Working at Xzakt means that you will learn a great deal about some of Sweden's biggest companies, but also about different industries due to your work including both sales and problem solving for different clients.


We are searching for you who wants to work full time.


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-01-09
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Xzakt Kundrelation AB - Gävle

Fältskärsleden 10


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