Postdoktor i laser-baserad partikelacceleration

Lunds Universitet / Sjukgymnastjobb / Lund
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Lunds universitet grundades 1666 och rankas återkommande som ett av världens 100 främsta lärosäten. Här finns 42 000 studenter och 7 400 medarbetare i Lund, Helsingborg och Malmö. Vi förenas i vår strävan att förstå, förklara och förbättra vår värld och människors villkor.

Lunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH, är en teknisk fakultet inom Lunds universitet med forskning av hög internationell klass och stora satsningar på pedagogisk mångfald.

Fysiska institutionen är en av Lunds universitets största institutioner med cirka 350 anställda. Vid institutionen finns sju forskningsavdelningar och ett antal större centrumbildningar. Forskningen vid institutionen täcker ett brett spektrum av modern fysik.

The research at the Division of Atomic Physics is centred on different applications of optics and lasers, including materials science, attosecond physics, high-intensity laser-plasma physics, quantum information, and biophotonics.

The Division operates the Lund High-Power Laser Facility, including a state-of-the-art 10 Hz multi-terawatt laser system. It is a central part of a major interdisciplinary research environment within the Lund University, the Lund Laser Centre, LLC. The division is also heavily involved in undergraduate education, especially within the "Photonics programme".

Subject description
The subject is laser-based electron acceleration and x-ray generation. The research concerns experimental fundamental studies and applications of compact laser-plasma wakefield accelerators and associated betatron x-ray sources. For this purpose the interactions between intense laser pulses and plasma are studied using optical, x-ray and particle diagnostic techniques. The work aims to obtain high-quality and tuneable particle- and x-ray beams, but also to demonstrate the applications of laser-plasma accelerators for time-resolved studies of ultrafast processes.

Work duties
The main duties involved in a post-doctoral posistion is to conduct research. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The position includes the opportunity for three weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning.

The work will involve the generation, handling and characterisation of ultra-short laser, electron and X-ray pulses. The work is experimental and will mainly be carried out at a dedicated experimental station at the multi-terawatt laser (with up to 40 TW peak power) at the Lund High Power Laser Facility, but experiments at other high power laser facilities will also be considered. The work is pursued in a research team including senior researchers, PhD students and Master students. Supervision and management of experimental studies are therefore important aspects of the work.

Qualification requirements
Appointment to a post-doctoral position requires that the applicant has a PhD, or an international degree deemed equivalent to a PhD, within the subject of the position, completed no more than three years before the last date for applications. Under special circumstances, the doctoral degree can have been completed earlier.

Additional requirements:

- Very good oral and written proficiency in English.
- Extensive documented experience in at least two of the following three subject areas:

- Ultrafast (femtosecond) lasers, in particular multi-terawatt lasers.
- Laser-plasma particle accelerators, in particular wakefield accelerators.
- Applications of electron- or x-ray beams in material science or medical physics.
Assessment criteria
This is a career development position primarily focused on research. Pedagogical skills will be considered, but the position is intended as an initial step in a career, and the assessment of the applicants will primarily be based on their research qualifications and potential as researchers.

Particular emphasis will be placed on research skills and documented research experience in the subject areas listed in the qualification requirements.

Consideration will also be given to good collaborative skills, drive and independence, and how the applicant's experience and skills complement and strengthen ongoing research within the department, and how they stand to contribute to its future development.

Terms of employment
This is a full-time, fixed-term employment of a maximum of 2 years. The period of employment is determined in accordance with the agreement "Avtal om tidsbegränsad anställning som postdoktor" ("Agreement on fixed-term employment as a post-doctoral fellow") between Lund University, SACO-S, OFR/S and SEKO, dated 4 September 2008.

Instructions on how to apply
Applications must contain a covering letter in which applicants describe themselves and their particular research interests, including contributions to the described research project (maximum 2 pages). Applications must also include a CV, publication list, contact details of at least two references, copies of grade certificates, and any other documents that the applicant wishes to refer to. Applicants are also required to answer the job specific questions in the final step of the application process.

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Varaktighet, arbetstid
100. Tillträde: Snarast Visstidsanställning



Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-04-27
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: PA2017/1015
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Olle Lundh, University Lecturer +46 46 222 9568,

Lunds universitet

Lunds universitet
Professorsgatan 1
22100 Lund

Professorsgatan 1


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