Master Thesis - Developing a re-tuning algorithm and application

European Spallation Source Eric / Fysikjobb / Lund
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The Beam Physics section of the Accelerator Division at ESS is opening a Master Thesis position focused on the tuning methods for the superconducting linac.

The candidate will join a vibrant and multi-cultural beam physics section within the ESS Accelerator Division. The topic of this thesis work will be on the re-tuning of the superconducting accelerating cavities.

Work Description:
The Beam Physics group in ESS is responsible for the development of the High-level Physics Applications that are used to commission and operate the ESS Linac. From time to time an accelerating structure becomes unavailable, which results in down-time for the machine as a whole. The time of flight of the beam changes, which means it will be out of phase with the cavities after the failed one and not anymore accelerated properly. The final result is that the beam energy is so wrong that it is not anymore transported to the target and we need to stop the operations.

To keep the very demanding targets for availability, it is essential that we have fast methods available to bring the machine back in operation, circumventing the failing structure. In broad terms, this can be done by changing the timing of the operational cavities to be synchronized with the new beam arrival time. The candidate needs to work on the algorithm used to make this correction, make simulations to confirm that the methodology will work, as well as realising this in a functional application to be used by operators. This will require understanding of the physics involved, good mathematical skills, as well as experience in programming. The final application will be in Java, using our OpenXAL framework.

The successful candidate should also have a Physics background, accelerator physics knowledge would be considered a plus. It is a prerequisite that the candidate has some knowledge in programming. Very good oral and written English skills are important. To be a quick learner as well as a good listener and communicator is of importance for the position.

Our work environment is characterised by fast growth, fast pace of work, and an international atmosphere with highly skilled personnel. You must therefore enjoy the diversity of such an environment and have a personality suited for the challenges it presents. Our work environment is exciting and forward thinking and relies heavily on personal initiative.

What ESS can offer
ESS can offer you a variety of things, such as passionate colleagues, a vibrant melting pot of diversity, and a challenging and high paced work environment where our employees take great pride in designing and building a world leading facility for material research.

If you were to join ESS, you would become an important piece of the puzzle, since all our skilled staff is needed in order to fulfill the overall mission. We value and need expertise, innovative minds, great ways of leading and interacting with others, and the ability to work with people regardless of culture and background.

Duration & Location
The position is a fixed term, Master Thesis position for a period of six months. Your work place will be situated in Lund, Sweden. The position is to be filled as soon as possible, with a start date in August/September 2019.

Application & Contact
Please provide your curriculum vitae and cover letter in English by clicking on "apply" and following the instructions. Please note we only accept applications via the ESS website or ESS intranet. Internal candidates are encouraged to apply through the intranet.

The deadline for applications is 2019-08-01. Please note that applications will be screened continuously, so please submit your application as soon as possible.

For further information regarding the open position, please contact Accelerator Scientist, Yngve Levinsen yngve.levinsen[at], +46 72 179 23 04,
or Accelerator Scientist, Natalia Milas, natalia.milas[at]

For trade union information please contact Unionen / Mikael Johansson at +46 46 888 32 51 or SACO / Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers/ Riccardo Bevilacqua at +46 46 888 32 28.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat


Masteruppsats, ingen månadslön

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-05-05
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European Spallation Source ERIC

European Spallation Source ERIC
Odarslövsvägen 113
22484 Lund

Odarslövsvägen 113


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