German Agent to CS Fraud

Klarna AB / Butikssäljarjobb / Stockholm
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The Customer Service (CS) department's goal is to deliver excellent service to Klarna's end customers using our payment services. In Stockholm, we are about 100 agents handling customer errands for seven different countries divided in four different teams.

Customer Service Fraud is Klarna's first line of fraud prevention and investigation. Our main responsibility is to, through customer contact, identify and help victims of fraud as well as preventing fraudsters from trying to remove security-blocks and fish for sensitive information. In Stockholm, we are about 15 agents handling customer errands for seven different countries. We are handling fraud errands for seven different countries and we are now looking for agents who speaks German.

Success in this role means being a dedicated team member who inspires others through your work and personality. You thrive in providing excellent service, you enjoy investigating and you always "walk the extra mile" to do so.

You are a driven and thorough person who enjoys being part of a fast-paced organization where only change is constant. Working towards common goals together with dedicated, social team members makes you tick. You thrive on getting a great deal of responsibility and enyoy solving problems to solve tricky customer errands. You are having excellent German skills verbally and in written communication and you are fluent in English.

We offer you an international working environment filled with smart, ambitious and fun colleagues. As an employee at one of Sweden's fastest growing companies, you will play an important role in taking Klarna to the next level. You won't work for Klarna, you'll work with Klarna.

For questions please contact Cajsa Ahlström at We recommend you to apply as soon as possible, selection and interviews are held continuously.



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Sveavägen 46

Sveavägen 46

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 08-12012000


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