General Supplies & Services Officer

Räddningsverket / Lagerjobb / Kristinehamn
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Visa alla lagerjobb i Kristinehamn, Storfors, Nacka, Degerfors, Karlskoga eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Räddningsverket i Kristinehamn, Karlstad, Solna eller i hela Sverige

Arbetsplats: Kosovo


Dina arbetsuppgifter
To apply General Supplies and Logistics policies, draft technical reports and implement operating instructions, guidelines and procedures regarding provision of assets and supplies in the area of responsibility.
• To provide logistical support to all personnel in the area of responsibility in regards to required assets to fulfil their tasks, such as computers, vehicles, furniture, telecommunications, stationary, etc.
• To coordinate and manage the distribution and reallocation of all logistical resources provided for the area of responsibility, ensuring systems in place for replacement and repair.
• To coordinate the provision of material and office space.
• To perform tasks related to building management, such as coordinate projects related to premises, construction, furniture, etc.
• To build and keep updated the inventory of assets.
• To be responsible for the production of reports concerning logistical issues, proposing/recommending changes and improvements, ensuring accuracy.
• To identify needs of goods and/or services specifically required for its area of responsibility and to technically define the appropriate requirements of the means required to cover these needs and to participate, as appropriate, in the correspondent processes to procure these goods and services.
• To assist in managing and maintaining a comprehensive database of expendable and non-expandable items.
• To receive, review, analyze, assign, process and track certified requisitions submitted for procurement action.
• To draft specifications for issuing tenders related to his/her area of responsibility.
• To prepare and issue solicitations, requests or invitations to quote, bid or proposals to registered and potential suppliers in cooperation with the corresponding services in the Headquarters.

Utbildning och erfarenhet
To have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience at middle management in logistics related matters. Be familiar with project environment.
• Good awareness of different product and services markets and industrial business networks.
• Technical Specialization in Logistics, Engineering, Administration or equivalent combination of education, training and practical experience.
• Fluency in written and spoken English is essential. Knowledge of other languages is considered as additional qualification.
• International experience, particularly in crisis areas with multi-national and international organizations (desirable).
• The candidate must possess a high level of professional and personal maturity together with an ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with colleagues, supervisors and external partners, such as UN organisations, NGOs, recipient governments and host populations.
• Must be able to interact with sensitivity and respect for diversity and gender in a multi-cultural environment.
• It is essential to have a capacity to work under pressure, often in difficult and demanding conditions, where focus frequently shifts due to changes in priority.
• Excellent communication skills, show initiative and take both a hands-on and an analytical approach to tasks and problems.

Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
Period of contract 1 year

Autumn 2008

Fast lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-09-09
Apply only by E-mail:
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: EK 0617

Recruitment Officer Christina Anré 0550-227120,
Recruitment Officer Björn Johannson 0550-227027,


Box 105

Telefonnummer: 0550-227000


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