Englishspeaking pedagogue

Tellusbarn Förskolan Galaxen / Barnskötarjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Tellusbarn Förskolan Galaxen i Stockholm

Tellusbarn operates eight kindergartens in Stockholm and Uppsala. The organization was founded in 2007 and currently has one hundred employees and more than 550 child seats.

In Galaxen by Skanstull we are currently looking to expand and develop our bilingual departments and are therefore looking for native English-speakers to join the preschool.

Our vision is to give children a good start in life, and the tools they may need to meet the big world. With security in your own identity, it is easier to meet others with respect and curiosity. With a focus on language, the arts and health, we want to inspire and develop young individuals who can move between languages and cultures in order to face the future with creativity and ingenuity.

As a pedagogue in our preschool you will be a member in a bilingual department and work with the children in English. You will plan and participate in the activities of the preschool, contribute to the documentation of the children's learning processes and continuously help develop the educational content.

• You are a native English-speaker
• You have experience of working in a preschool or school
• It is meriting if you have an education in pedagogics/teaching

Co-workers at Tellusbarn are expected to be smoke and snus free in all situations connected to the preschool. To be recruited you must be able to show an excerpt from your criminal records.

Varaktighet, arbetstid


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Så ansöker du
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Englishspeaking pedagogue
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: lena.rebane@tellusbarn.se

Lena Rebane, Förskolechef 070-760 20 79 lena.rebane@tellusbarn.se

Tellusbarn Förskolan Galaxen

Tellusbarn Förskolan Galaxen
Box 49052
10028 Stockholm

Götgatan 104-112

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
E-postadress: lena.rebane@tellusbarn.se


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