Content Creator (Germany)

Feo Media AB / Språkvetarjobb / Stockholm
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We believe that it's our ability to create localised content for all our markets that is the secret to our success. That's why we hire people who not only speak and write the market language perfectly, but who add extra zest to our questions by making them interesting, relevant and fun for the local users.

As a Content Creator, you'll be part of our Content Creation Team and will be responsible for adding and editing content to, among other games, Quizduell - our German version of QuizClash ("Quizkampen") and our biggest market. A normal work day for you would likely include:

• Fact- and spell checking user submitted questions and approving those that meet our standards;
• Create questions on your own about pretty much anything that would interest our users;
• Review and correct reported questions (e.g., for grammar, spelling, facts);
• Create new content for future games;
• Support the marketing team with producing social media content or campaigns for our games.

We think you are a people-person down to the bone and that you have an inherently positive attitude that is contagious to the people around you. You have a passion for trivia knowledge and with a great eye for detail you set out to create awesome questions. A background in journalism or qualified creative writing experience is a significant advantage!

We also expect you to show signs of the following:

• Great general knowledge with a specific interest in the latest news from or about Germany;

• Perfect proficiency, creativity, spelling and grammar in your written German;

• Critical thinking and reliable fact-checking methods;

• Taking responsibility for your work product and not settling for half-measure efforts.

We think you have taken some university- or college classes and that you can communicate freely in English. You will have an advantage if you consider yourself a gamer, and an even better one if you have worked in the gaming industry before.

We're the creators of QuizClash ("Quizkampen") - the internationally successful mobile quiz game with 100+ million users. We apply "Addictive Learning" to everything we do when we build games that are educational, social and, above all, fun. Since the start in 2011, we have grown into an amazingly diverse team of over 50 people that create magic every day.

We have decorated our office in Södermalm, Stockholm with recreational amenities that put most arcade rooms to shame. We also really like our employees, so we give them annual employee bonuses, competitive salaries, a generous insurance package, monthly game jams and only-the-best work tools.

Flexible working hours, genuine team-work and frequent after-hour social activities are also things that we believe put a little extra zest into how we work.


Please visit our website for information on all the benefits we offer our employees.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-06-02
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Feo Media AB

Feo Media AB
Ringvägen 100, 10 tr
11860 Stockholm

Ringvägen 100


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