Automation Engineer / Project Leader

Tetra Pak / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Lund
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Automation Engineer / Project Leader - LUN002854
We are now looking for an experienced Automation Engineer/Project Leader to Food Category Prepared Food.
Category Prepared Food is one of three independent food categories within Business Unit Dairy, Beverage and Prepared Food. The Prepared Food Category offers customers, within the segments of Tomato Products, Soups & Sauces, Desserts, Fruit Preparation and Baby Food, competitive strength by supplying high quality added value process solutions.
We are looking for you who is an innovative Automation Engineer with a technical competence that allows you to create solutions adapted to different product types and customer needs. You have a long experience from working with Tetra Pak automation platforms in process control and production management functionalities. You are experienced in working with complex projects consisting not only of separate units, but of complete process lines. Further you are familiar with all the steps in a customer project, from sales to commissioning and support. Your engagement in larger projects with our main customers is essential as well as understanding the needs, demands and specifics of the prepared food industry.
Main tasks and responsibilities:
• Be the expert of automation design in customer orders throughout the order process
• Together with your colleagues you will be responsible for development, maintenance and support of automation soft- and hardware
• You will be involved in all steps of customer projects, from sales support, design, programming, workshop test and commissioning of orders
• Your work also includes working with Tetra Pak common automation platforms, securing a uniform structure and identifying future needs of automation hard- and software
• Act as project leader in customer orders


You have a university degree or similar and at least 5 years of experience from working with automation design in the processing area. Further you are familiar with PLC and HMI programming as well as Siemens and Rockwell automation systems. The position includes travel approx 50 days/year.
You are a curious person that has the ability to co-operate and communicate well with customers and colleagues across our organization. Further you are an action oriented person with a structured and innovative thinking.
For further information about the position, please contact Per Thilderkvist +46 46 36 3795. For trade union information please contact Unionen/Karin Johansson at +46 46 36 3730 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Andreas Nilsson at +46 46 36 5363. For information about your application, contact Helena Erixon, +46 46 36 1433.
Please submit your application online at no later than February 27, 2011.

Arbetstider och omfattning

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Please submit your application online at no later than February 27, 2011.
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND

Telefonnummer: 046-361000


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