Travel Consultant

CTS Scandinavia / Administratörsjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos CTS Scandinavia i Stockholm

Kort beskrivning av företaget:
CTS Scandinavia AB operates on behalf of CTS Group with headquaters in Hong Kong, and listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (318) since 1992.
in the whole Nordic region. Our clients are government organizations, corporates, individuals when visiting Scandinavian conducting official visits, businesss or leisure activities. CTS Scandinavia AB operates in all Nordic countries, i.e. Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and also the whole Europe together with our offices in London, Paris and Frankfurt.
Titel: Travel Consultant
Beskrivning av arbetsuppgifter:
Managing business travel;
Meeting sales targets as set out by the travel agency manager;
Dealing with complicated customer itineraries;
Handling customer orders and payments;
Iiaising with tour operators and other key partners such as hotels and Airlines regarding bookings and schedules;
Undertaking general administration;
Advising clients about passports, vaccinations, visas, foreign currency, Travel insurance, car parking, car hire abroad and excursions in resorts;
Dealing with complaints;
Using and updating IT skills;
Organising displays of promotional material.
Beskrivning av kvalifikationer:
Candidate must have a minimum of 1 years of business travel.
Domestic and international destination knowledge with a focus on air, car and hotel are key areas of required expertise.
Computer reservations experience required.
The ability to work under pressure and effectively multi-task while maintaining professional rapport with customers is essential.
Candidate must possess strong consultative selling skills, decisive and successful problem solving skills, excellent written and verbal communication skills, in addition to strong organizational and prioritizing skills.
The ability to use the Internet effectively to service customer needs is a must.
The candidate must be self-motivated and demonstrate initiative with a strong commitment to personal goals, objectives, and work ethic.
Candidate must demonstrate the ability to perform in a team environment and to work as a team with cross-functional organizations.
The ability to work in a changing environment is essential as this position requires flexibility to work various shifts as determined by customer call volumes and business needs.
Tillträde: 1
Funktion: General Manager
Namn: Anna Wang
Telefon: 0853481177


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2011-06-05
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CTS Scandinavia

CTS Scandinavia

Karlavägen 104

Telefonnummer: 08-53481177
Faxnummer: 08-53481178


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