
Tetra Pak / Speciallärarjobb / Lund
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Visa alla jobb hos Tetra Pak i Lund, Malmö, Jönköping, Tanum, Hammarö eller i hela Sverige

Do you want to work in a global organisation in a position with wide responsibility, independent and varying work and with lots of contacts across the organisation? We are now looking for strong and ambitious candidates to our resource pool at Global Information Management (GIM) in Malmö/Lund, Sweden, working as Trainers. The position includes travelling world wide 20-30% of the time.
Initially the allocation and responsibilities will be:
• Act as an ISP Global Solution (SAP R/3) Trainer in a in a multicultural team;
• Develop and improve training materials and documentation according to the training strategy and development standards; and
• Provide training to users worldwide, both introducing new users and updating current users, overall improving the usage of the ERP system.


To be successful in this position you are driven, enthusiastic and a problem solver. You are a fluent communicator in English. You are service minded, a team player and a good representative of GIM and you have a high level of accountability. You are structured and trustworthy, eager to learn and you love to teach. You are interested in and have an understanding of other cultures and you are helpful outside your own team.
If you are interested and need further information, please call Resource Manager Johan Wiktor +46 46 36 4008.
For trade union information please contact Unionen/Martin Jönsson at +46 46 36 4272 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Olle Eliasson +46 46 36 1202.
For information about your application, please contact recruiter Christina Hagdahl at +46 46 36 5982.

Arbetstider och omfattning

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Så ansöker du
Please submit your application online at no later than June 16th, 2009

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND

Telefonnummer: 046-361000


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