Three Doctoral Studentships in Political Science

Lunds universitet, Statsvetenskapliga instutitionen / Högskolejobb / Lund
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Job assignments

The PhD programme amounts to 240 credits (equivalent to four years of full-time study) and concludes with the doctoral student's public defense of his or her printed thesis. Those appointed to doctoral studentships shall primarily devote themselves to their studies. The regulations on employment of doctoral students are to be found in Chapter 5 Sections 1-7 of the Higher Education Ordinance. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in the research and teaching environment of the department and perform departmental duties, primarily teaching, amounting to a maximum of 20 per cent of working hours.


The three advertised posts have different specialisations:
1. General. This post is funded by the Faculty of Social Sciences and has no specialisation. The successful candidate is free to choose a specialisation for the thesis project.
2. Foreign Policy Analysis. This post is part of the project Mediatisation of European foreign policy - a cross-time, cross-national comparison (project description at amp;-token.topmenu=forskning&-token.course=79) which is funded by Riksbankens jubileumsfond and Lund University.
3. Environment and Sustainability. The post is part of the Lund University Center of Excellence for Integration of Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability (LUCID: and is funded by Linnaeus grants from Formas and the Swedish Research Council.

For more information and application, please visit:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
First day of employment: 1 September 2013. Limit of tenure: 31 August 2017

1 September 2013

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Apply online
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan
The application must state which one of the three posts is primarily being applied for. We prefer electronic submission through the Lund University employment portal.
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: SPA 2012/591
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

three positions: Ylva Stubbergaard, Assistant head of department, +46 46 222 93 66
Foreign Policy Analysis: Douglas Brommesson, Associate senior lecturer +46 46 222 89 48
Environment and sustainability: Annica Kronsell, Professor, +46 46 222 89 44
General: Jan Teorell, Director of PhD studies, +46 46 222 80 93

Facklig kontakt
SEKO: SEKO Civil, 046-222 93 66
SACO: Saco-s rådet vid Lunds universitets Kansli, 046-222 93 64
OFR/S: Fackförbundet STs Kansli, 046-222 93 62

Lunds universitet, Statsvetenskapliga instutitionen

Lunds universitet, Statsvetenskapliga instutitionen
Box 52
22100 LUND

Getingevägen 60

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 046-2220000


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