Software Engineer - Analytics & Systems (ref: 441)

Axis Communications / Datajobb / Lund
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About Axis Communications
Axis is an IT company offering network video solutions for professional installations. The company is the global market leader in network video, driving the ongoing shift from analog to digital video surveillance. Axis products and solutions focus on security surveillance and remote monitoring, and are based on innovative, open technology platforms.
Axis is a Swedish-based company, operating worldwide with offices in more than 20 countries and cooperating with partners in more than 70 countries. Founded in 1984, Axis is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
For more information about Axis, please visit our website at
Reference number: 441
As a Software Engineer at Analytics & Systems you will be part of the innovative Analytics competence group within Core Technologies. The group plans and develops base technology related to image analysis such as object segmentation and tracking. The driving force is technology platforms. We also work with the software infrastructure required to integrate analytics in Axis embedded platforms and SDK for use by external or internal partners to build applications. Your main focus will be to improve our code libraries, optimize analytics performance and expand our hardware abstraction layers to continue our successful analytics strategy for network video surveillance.
Your responsibilities will include:
• Develop and maintain code libraries for analytics algorithms and hardware abstraction
• Software architecture, analysis and design
• Interfacing ASIC engineers for software implications of new analytics support in hardware
You have a Master in Technical Engineering or equivalent and a background within embedded systems programming using C in a Linux environment. To be successful we believe you are familiar with the implications of limited resources in embedded systems on algorithm development. You most likely have good skills in software modularization, module interface design and hardware abstraction techniques. Excellent communication in Swedish and English, both written and oral, is required.
Skills in algorithm development for video analytics and knowledge of algorithm development for analytics applications outside the video domain, e.g. audio are considered as merits.
Furthermore we believe you are interested in sharing your work with others and that you have a general ability to work very well in a team oriented environment. You should also have an open mind and be able to think outside the box.
The Core Technologies – Analytics & Systems team are responsible for the long-term technology agenda within the strategic areas Analytics and Systems. We perform technology roadmapping; execute the roadmap by developing technologies and assist toward platform integration of technologies. We also act as a competence centre within Axis with regard to the core competence areas. In addition to this we define test methods and standards to be used by Axis as a whole. 
The Analytics competence group within Core Technologies – Analytics & Systems focus their work on identifying and implementing technologies aimed at increasing the value of the network for surveillance applications. This includes algorithm development for video analytics, identification of new technology trends and technology development using combinations of sensors for improved analytics.
We are offering you a stimulating position in our Core Technologies unit, where you will be working together with a lot of fun, creative and outgoing people. We are a young, exciting company, already the world leader in our field - network video. This means a chance to work with new technology, both in Axis' products and in the systems around them. You will get the chance to be part of the future success of creative organization in one of the most rapidly growing fields on the planet. We welcome your application and look forward to the possibility of you joining us! 
Axis is a company realizing the benefits of a diverse workforce. We know that diversity in groups creates a better working environment and promotes creativity, something that is fundamental for our success.
Find out more from our Engineering Manager, Fredrik Hertzberg at phone +46 46 272 1800.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-12-06
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Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.

Fredrik Hertzberg, +46 46 272 1800

Axis Communications

Axis Communications
Emdalavägen 14
22369 Lund


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