Sales Specialist

Tecan Nordic AB / Inköpar- och marknadsjobb / Göteborg
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Visa alla jobb hos Tecan Nordic AB i Göteborg, Stockholm, Upplands Väsby eller i hela Sverige

Tecan is specialized in the development, production and distribution of systems and solutions for pharmaceutical drug discov-ery, genomics, proteomics and clinical diagnostics. Tecan Nordic is present in the Nordic countries and Baltic States with local organisation and distributors for application, service and sales to ensure fast and efficient support and short ways to the cus-tomer. Our success is founded on the solid reputation for high-quality platforms to automate laboratory processes. With over 25-years expertise in robotic platforms and detection, Tecan has unmatched competencies in liquid handling, miniaturization and detection. For more information please visit
We wish to offer you the unique opportunity to make an active contribution to the successful further development of Tecan. Our employees and our products are the key to our success. We are therefore seeking an experienced sales professional for the position as Sales Specialist to our Nordic organization. In this position your will work on the Danish market as well as in the Malmö and Lund area.
Your background education is within chemistry and you have a strong interest in technical matters and good knowledge in application processes. You are preferably a Danish citizen and have Danish as your native language. As Tecan does not have an office yet in Denmark you will work from your own home office.
In addition to finding and visiting companies for new sales leads you will also set-up the instruments on delivery, educate the customers and be a support when needed.
Our new co-worker has at least three years of sales experience, works independently and is an outgoing, organized person with a strong drive.
Welcome to apply for this job at For further information please call recruitment consultant Madeleine Hederstierna at 0733-434 145.


Arbetstider och omfattning

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2008-12-07
Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.

Hederstierna, Madeleine

Tecan Nordic AB

Tecan Nordic AB


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