
Göteborgs universitet / Biologjobb / Göteborg
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Visa alla jobb hos Göteborgs universitet i Göteborg, Partille, Lysekil, Uddevalla, Vänersborg eller i hela Sverige

The University of Gothenburg tackles society's challenges with diverse knowledge. 37 000 students and 6 000 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

The University of Gothenburg promotes equal opportunities, equality and diversity.

The Institute of Biomedicine is involved in both research and education. In both of these areas, we focus on fundamental knowledge of the living cell - what it consists of, how it works, how its function is directed by the genetic material, and how it interacts with various kinds of micro-organisms. Using this knowledge, we try to elucidate the causes of diseases, and find new ways to diagnose and treat them.

The Institute is composed of the following five departments:

• The Department of Infectious Diseases
• The Department of Microbiology and Immunology
• The Department of Pathology and Genetics
• The Department of Clinical Chemistry and Transfusion Medicine
• The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology

At present, the institute has about 380 employees and approximately 400 million SEK in total assets

Job assignments

Exploitation of the bacterial ADP-ribosylating enzymes, cholera toxin (CT) and the related E. coli heat-labile toxin (LT), as vaccine adjuvants has been found superior to most other adjuvant strategies. We have developed immunoenhancing drugs for many years and have successfully pioneered the field of experimental vaccine adjuvants based on the ADP-ribosylating properties of cholera toxin (CT) (Mattsson Mucosal Immunol. 2015 Unfortunately, these molecules are also toxic and vaccines containing CT or LT have now been taken off the market and today their use is prohibited in human vaccines. However, we have generated an alternative non-toxic molecule, CTA1-DD, which exploits the full immunomodulating ability of CT using only the A1-enzyme and lacking the B-subunit pentamer (Eriksson JI, 2004). An extensive mechanistic research program on CTA1-DD has revealed exceptional adjuvant properties. Currently we are exploiting single-cell RNA-seq analysis to unravel which genes are used for immunoenhancing as opposed to immunosuppressive effects of the fusion proteins on targeted dendritic cells or follicular dendritic cells.


A completed doctoral degree and some time as post-doc is required. Special competence in single-cell RNAseq analysis and experience with advanced cell sorting by flow cytometry is absolutely needed. A robust knowledge about mucosal immunity and the immune impact of ADP-ribosykating toxins is a strong merit.


Fixed-term employment 100% for 6 months at the Institute of Biomedicin. First day of employment as agreed.

For further information regarding the position

Please contact Professor Nils Lycke, +4631 786-6321,


Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg:

How to apply

In order to apply for a position at the University of Gothenburg, you have to register an account in our online recruitment system. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete in accordance with the instructions in the job advertisement, and that it is submitted before the deadline. The selection of candidates is made on the basis of the qualifications registered in the application.

The application should contain proof of completed PhD.

The University of Gothenburg promotes equal opportunities, equality and diversity.

Salary is determined on an individual basis.

Applications will be destroyed or returned (upon request) two years after the decision of employment has become final. Applications from the employed and from those who appeal the decision will not be returned.

In connection to this recruitment, we have already decided which recruitment channels we should use. We therefore decline further contact with vendors, recruitment and staffing companies.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Fixed-term employment for 6 months fulltime 100%


Salary is determined on an individual basis.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-09-18
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Göteborgs universitet

Göteborgs universitet
Medicinaregatan 7B
40530 Göteborg

Medicinaregatan 7B


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