Regional Sales representative Sweden

SalesOnly Sverige AB / Säljarjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos SalesOnly Sverige AB i Stockholm, Solna, Lidingö, Sundbyberg, Huddinge eller i hela Sverige

We want you!
Do you want to join a major international corporation on an exciting journey?
Regional Sales representative Sweden
Global market leader in Electronic Shelf Labeling (ESL) systems for the food and non-food retailer sectors is branching out into Sweden. In order to maintain an ambitious and fast growing expansion we are looking for a person who will enlarge the customer portfolio and develop direct sales.
To be one of us, we believe you are persistent and result driven person with high determination to achieve our and your goals.
To be successful in your new business role as Regional Sales representative, you have the ability to work with a split vision. You will develop the customer portfolio through an intensive canvassing on the field.  A part of your role will also include initiating and implementing direct marketing actions in coordination with the marketing department in France. You will have the whole of Sweden as your responsibility, although the main focus well be on Stockholm.

We are looking for an independent and experienced sales representative with great enthusiasm and interest in building new business as well as leveraging existing relationships across borders. You are a strategic hunter with focus on business opportunities and building solid networks and relationships. You have former experience of IT technology solutions. We believe that you are familiar with the retail sector. Interest in latest technology and awareness of local market trends are prerequisites to succeed. It is considered meriting if you have a master degree with the focus on business development and sales.

We offer you a flexible, an -minded and a performance-oriented environment that provides great rewards for great work.  Do you take the challenge?

In this recruitment process we cooperate with SalesOnlys recruitment consultant Sandra Szepesi. If you have further questions you can reach Sandra at 0765-25 90 10.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Dag , Heltid , Tillsvidareanställning

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SalesOnly Sverige AB

SalesOnly Sverige AB
11157 Stockholm


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