Quality Manager

AGN Haga AB / Inköpar- och marknadsjobb / Göteborg
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Overall description of role
Is responsible for the general development, implementation and maintenance of the Quality
Management System in the Company, providing all the necessary support to the organization for the
implementation of the quality system in compliance with the Contract requirements.
Detailed description of role and specific responsibilities
• Cooperates with PM to prepare and update the Quality Plan;
• Prepares the Project's Quality Control plans and Quality assurance procedures, ensuring that they are implemented during project life;
• Implements the quality requirements included in the contract;
• Superintends to the training of personnel designated to apply the Quality System;
• Provides the quality requirements to Suppliers/Subcontractors;
• Plans and performs formal inspections, suppliers/subcontractors' premises;
• Reporting any nonconformity on the materials and/or work process found during the controls on site;
• In cooperation with Technical manager and Construction manager reviews the documentation regarding nonconformities, reporting it to PM who is the highest authority in the Company, to sign the closure of nonconformity;
• Supports the PM in the nonconformities resolution proposal;
• Reviews periodically the nonconformities found at the site;
• Collects and manages the archive of quality records in accordance with the archiving system defined in the Quality System;
• Records and performs the monitoring of the corrective and preventive measures proposed by the sectors involved;
• Requests, if necessary, from the PM the support of outside specialists or bodies, for tests/audits in Areas where specialist technical knowledge is required;
• Identifies, at the project start, the work packages based on which the Quality Control Plans (QCP) and the operating procedures will be developed;
• Carries out the evaluation of local subcontractors and suppliers of permanent materials, supported where necessary by the other site offices;
• Plans and performs, where necessary, internal audits to check the site units' compliance with the requirements contained in the Quality System, the operational procedures, the technical specifications, and the design;
• Verifying the calibration of measuring / testing instruments, and updating the relevant registers;
• Supervising the tests carried out by the suppliers/subcontractors in the project scope;
• Verifying the compliance of the controls and related outcomes, during the performance of the works and at final stage, providing also for the recording of the results on reports and registers;
• Attending and providing assistance for the official tests carried out on the construction materials;
• Verifying the technical requirements for qualifying the suppliers of materials and the production plants and materials classified as critical;
• Cooperates with the PM in defining the detailed procedures for warehouse management;


Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-05-21

Hvitfeldtsgatan 15
41120 Göteborg

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "Quality Manager".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

AGN Haga AB (org.nr 559146-2097)
Hvitfeldtsgatan 15 (visa karta)
411 20  GÖTEBORG

E-post: hr@agnhaga.com


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