P4@ IT Cloud - Starting Up

Poolia Sverige AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Poolia Sverige AB i Stockholm, Solna, Lidingö, Sundbyberg, Danderyd eller i hela Sverige


Om tjänsten
We are a brand-new unit that started up at Poolia this year, focusing on delivering high-tech leading consultants. Our people are working with: Software/System Development, Mobile Development, DevOps Engineering, Architecting: Solution/Cloud/Enterprise, Cyber Security, Data Engineer/Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, Big Data, for clients within different sectors.

We keep it simple by focusing on the things we consider being most important.

People - Tech - Education - Fun!

People - We are nothing without our team. People is our main passion and what we like to work with. No one is the same, but all are equal. Putting the individual in the centre with a tailored individual development plan to ensure that we all are progressing. We are diversified in the genders we identify as and we are from different parts of the world, knowing it is a strength with different backgrounds.

Tech - We love Tech. To get a position with us you need to pass our technical tests and interviews held by out TekOps team. You need to be in the frontline of the newest technologies, test your code, follow design patterns and understand CI/CD. You need to enjoy coding and to discuss technology. We continuously have tech talks; hackathon and you can become an expert in your field and have or be a senior technical mentor within an area of choice.

Education- To be a part of P4@ IT Cloud means that you continuously striving to grow. To keep up with our client's high demand we make sure you are always up to date with the newest technology in your field. This we do by setting goals and concrete career plans with educations, certificates. It is a win-win if your resume is the very best and we want you to consider us a platform for personal growth. Do you want to become a cloud architect? Or a Cyber security Specialist? Perhaps you are a Frontend developer who wants to master the full JavaScript stack becoming Full stack? You set the boundaries yourself and we will push you to reach your career goals.

& Having Fun! - We know that we spend the majority of our time at work. We meet our colleagues in some cases more often than we meet our family and friends - that is why we consider it most important to have fun along the way. Creativity and performance spikes when we truly enjoy what we are doing.

Does this appeal to you? Send message below and let us have a chat.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2021-01-18
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Poolia Sverige AB

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "58305".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Poolia Sverige AB (org.nr 556426-7655), http://www.poolia.se

För detta jobb krävs körkort.

Poolia IT AB


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