Head of Marketing and sales for expansion

Itprovningen / Marknadsföringsjobb / Ospecificerad arbetsort
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Head of Marketing and sales for international expansion

About us
ITprovningen - Our mission is to take care of market opportunities, skilled people and build a safer Internet and IT infrastructure on a global level.

ITprovningens mission corresponds to the Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection "Svensk Bilprovning" they inspect our cars to make the traffic on our roads safer. Our IT inspection allows businesses and organizations to get help to find and solve their IT security problems. An IT control-inspection results in an IT security SSS classification of the organization and what the organisation need to do to be more secure. By the ITprovningen work it is possible to compare different organizations' IT security level by comparing the level of the organization SSS Security Certificate. We customers have ongoing problems to choose right supplier, because we currently lack control from a third-party which IT security level that our suppliers have. By ITprovningens Certification, we customers can compare different suppliers IT security level through the level of SSS Security Certificate. The IT SSS classification together with Soliditet AAA economy rating, means that we as a customer can make a safer choice. Companies can in turn use the SSS IT security certificate in the marketing and easily outrun the competition and avoid unnecessary business risk.

We are looking for brilliance in people. It could and should come in different forms, but should always be coupled with a result-oriented team-playing approach.

With us you will be responsible for
If you live and breathe marketing and sales, we want to talk to you. We are looking for a visionary, entrepreneur a person that make things happened. You going to be Head of Marketing and Sales to lead the expansion based on your background and old home country.

Your key tasks will include:
1. Take the Swedish business plan and adopt it for your home country.
2. Find and build a local leadership and partner team.
3. Test run the Marketing and Salesplan and verify the market.
4. Invite Investors based on the outcome of the marketing and sales test.
5. Expand the organisation.

As a person you are
As a person you are a strategic thinker, able to create compelling vision and communicate it in stimulating and inspiring way. You set challenging and inspiring goals to the organization and shows passion when driving the results. You are demanding, but at the same time fair with great leadership skills. You are a fresh breeze bringing in lots of new ideas. We are not so interested in your Swedish skills, more about your business skill and your contacts in your old home country. But we need you to be able to communicate freely in English and a basic skill in computers and web.

We offer
We offer you a challenging position with great opportunities for professional growth. With us you will have the opportunity to directly influence your career development. If you have a good idea, people will listen to you. What's more, we offer you a job that fits you. At ITprovningen, we promote a healthy work-life balance and a friendly, caring atmosphere. We believe that trust fosters freedom and creativity. Our culture is built on transparency and active sharing a truly open environment.

Contact for this job:
Did we get you inspired? We look forward to hearing from you! Send us your application as soon as possibly before your old home market are taken by our new college.

Varaktighet, arbetstid


Fast och rörlig lön

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2016-08-20
We constantly are looking for skilled colleges and also help people with education or internship.
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: Head of Marketing and Sales
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: torbjorn.alander@itprovningen.se

Torbjörn Alander, Ordförande 0702540290 torbjorn.alander@itprovningen.se


Crafoords Väg 14
11324 Stockholm

Mäster Samulegatan 60

Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 0702540290
E-postadress: Torbjorn.Alander@itprovningen.se


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