Enterprise Security Software Sales Engineer

Axiomatics AB / Datajobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Axiomatics AB i Stockholm

Axiomatics is an IT Security start-up founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 2006 and now has 30 employees including 2 dedicated sales engineers (one in the US, one in Stockholm).

Axiomatics operates in the field of externalized authorization management (EAM) which is part of the broader area of Identity & Access Management. For a more specific definition, you may refer to Gartner?s website ( https://www.gartner.com/doc/2358815/technology-overview-externalized-authorization-management )

Axiomatics is generally recognized as the world leader in the EAM space.

We specialize in the development of an access control software solution. We mainly use Java as a development language and we target Apache Tomcat as well as IBM Websphere. Our solution uses web services (SOAP and REST), XML, and the OASIS XACML access control standard.

Our clients are for the main part Fortune 500 companies in the banking, insurance, healthcare, and manufacturing sectors in the USA, Northern Europe, Germany, and Switzerland.

We are looking to expand our customer relations team in Europe and in the USA. We are therefore opening a sales engineer position in Stockholm, Sweden.

General qualifications we are looking for:
• Language: very good level of English. Another language is highly valued (German, Swedish, French, Spanish)
• Must be able to travel throughout Europe mainly (1-2 trips per month)
• Ability to work independently
• You should be able to inspire confidence with the customer
• You should be a fast and willing learner

Communication skills
• Be able to communicate complex ideas and concepts in a simple and straightforward way to prospects and customers

Analytical skills
• You should be able to listen to the customer and gather their requirements
• You should be able to structure the requirements and identify common ones
• You should be able to analyze a problem to identify and develop a solution
• You should be able to troubleshoot a customer on-the-fly

Technical qualifications
• Programming knowledge: as this is a technical sales position, you must be able to program in either of Java or C#. Knowledge of both or other languages e.g. Python, Ruby,... is a plus.
• Development tools: you should be familiar with common tools such as git, ant, and ivy.
• Software experience: you should have experience with Apache Tomcat, LDAP providers (OpenLDAP, AD...) and relational databases (MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL...)

Past Experience
• 2+ years in consulting and/or sales engineering

The position is for our headquarters located in Stockholm's old town close to the royal palace.



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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-02-10
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: eu-se-0114
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: anna.einarsson@axiomatics.com

Anna Einarsson, Office manager 0709617437 anna.einarsson@axiomatics.com


BOX 2157


Övriga kontaktuppgifter
Telefonnummer: 070-2290701


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