Associate Senior Lecturer in Molecular Ecology

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet / Högskolejobb / Uppsala
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The Department of Ecology
The Department of Ecology conducts empirical and theoretical research and education aimed at sustainable forestry and agriculture and efficient conservation. Our research on populations, communities, and ecosystems forms the basis for our research on land use and climate effects on animals, plants, and soil. We aim to find solutions that will contribute to improving greenhouse gas balances, conserving threatened species, and supporting biodiversity, ecosystem services, sustainable wildlife management, and pest management in forest and agricultural landscapes, as well as in urban areas. Insect ecology is a central theme in these activities.

At present, more than thirty researchers and PhD students within the department are working with ecological questions concerning insects, their interactions within food webs, and their impact on ecological processes in a range of ecosystems. These researchers are distributed among the mutually related units of insect ecology, forest entomology, agricultural entomology, soil ecology, and conservation biology. The interaction between these units and their strong links to international networks offer a unique potential to contribute to the future development of ecology as a science.

Subject area
The subject area encompasses molecular ecology with a focus on the dynamics, ecology, and diversity of insects, their interactions with other organisms, how they are affected by environmental and climatic change, and how they themselves affect ecosystem functions and services.

The Associate Senior Lecturer shall conduct research within the subject area with a focus on interactions between, not within, species, and will develop her/his own research profile. Research is expected to be done in close collaboration with colleagues at the department and SLU, as well as through national and international collaborations. The holder of the position is also expected to:

• apply for external research funding
• publish scientific papers
• initiate the development of his or her own research group
• participate in postgraduate education as a co-supervisor
• teach at basic (bachelor), advanced (master) and postgraduate (PhD) levels
• take pedagogic courses

Candidates must hold a PhD or have equivalent academic qualifications. Priority will be given to candidates who have received a PhD or equivalent qualifications no longer than five years before the application deadline. For employment as Associate Senior Lecturer the candidate must be scientifically proficient in the subject area. The candidate is expected to hold post doctoral experience from research environments beyond SLU, or a PhD degree from another institution. Strong written and spoken English is required.

Assessment criteria
In the assessment of candidates for the appointment, primary weight is placed on the applicant's scientific competence in the subject area, with an emphasis on DNA-based methods for examining interspecific interactions. Furthermore, the assessment includes evaluating the applicant's ability to develop an independent line of research within the subject area, and to qualify for promotion to senior lecturer during the employment period. Good abilities to collaborate and communicate are important, as is teaching experience.

Application deadline

Place of work
Uppsala, Sweden


Form of Employment
The employment is limited to four years in accordance with the Higher Education Act. A position as associate senior lecturer is a qualifying employment that constitutes the first step in an academic career at SLU. An associate senior lecturer has the right during his or her employment to apply for promotion to senior lecturer on the basis of criteria established when the position as associate senior lecturer was announced.

Starting date
By agreement.

It is desirable that the application is written in English, because the applications will be evaluated by expert advisers both in Sweden and abroad.

Use the document Application guidelines for appointment as professor, senior lecturer or associate senior lecturer at SLU as a guide when you fill in your application. You can find the documents here.

Please apply by clicking on the apply-button below.

Academic union representatives

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ 100%


Enligt överenskommelse

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-05-12
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Tomas Roslin, Professor 018-672383
Frida Lindqvist, Fakultetshandläggare 018 671047

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Box 7070
75007 Uppsala

Ulls hus, Almas allé 8


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