University lecturer, Energy Technology-Windpower

Högskolan på Gotland / Högskolejobb / Gotland
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Employment position: University lecturer in Energy Technology with emphasis in Wind Power
Gotland University:
With a campus in the World Heritage city of Visby, a meeting place for academia, culture and business. Inspired by the liberal education tradition we offer top-quality education with the goal to create independent and flexible university graduates with broad knowledge. Our new educational model places the students clearly in centre and offers them the opportunity to create their own educational map. The model involves high teacher density, learning across borders, and close collaboration with work life and surrounding society. It contains a combination of thorough subject-specific studies and continuing training of key competencies that make the student well prepared for a continuously changing work and social life. Sustainable development education, cooperation with the region and international exchange are central parts of the university policy.
Department of Wind Energy:
The Wind Energy Department enjoys a high degree of global recognition in wind power education established by on-campus international conferences, contract seminars, distance education, and joint research ventures with other institutions and industry, such as a current project concerning optimization and control of wind parks with existing methodology.
Course specific education in wind power has been offered at Gotland University by distance since 1998. The department of Wind Energy currently has 8 instructors and offers a large number of independent courses in energy, environment and wind power in Swedish and English, with a student enrollment history 38 countries. In the fall of 2009, a new Swedish language distance course package of 60 ECTS within wind power is starting in response to student requests for concentrated competency in designed topic areas. The equivalent course package in English language starts Spring term 2010.
A new master’s degree program (MSc) in Wind Power Project Management, which will be taught entirely in English, is scheduled to begin on campus starting with the fall term in 2010. The new masters program is being offered in direct response to surveyed needs of industry and research, reflecting a natural progression from distance education to on-campus facilities with access to enhanced capabilities for education and industry-academic research cooperation. The new Master of Science degree program is supported by a10-member permanent outside Advisory Board consisting of international academics and industry practitioners, all from the wind energy sector.
A new competency center established in concert with the master’s program ensures continuous industry-university collaboration and education program support. The center (Renewable Energy Institute) provides communication platforms between university and industry to strengthen core academic competencies in cooperation with needs of industry. Collaboration with existing wind installations on Gotland affords continuing access to operating facilities for student field trips and dialog with practitioners, and encourages opportunities for cooperative university-industry research projects and case studies.
Lecturer Position:
To further meet department academic and research goals, particularly with regard to the new master’s program, we are actively searching for a university lecturer and program specific developer in energy technology with emphasis in wind power.
For further information, please see


Arbetstider och omfattning

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-09-14
Please send your application to Högskolan på Gotland, Registrator, 621 67 Visby, marked G12-2009/492
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: G12-2009/492
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress:

Liselotte Aldén, Avdelningsledare, 0498-299115 (Telefon),
Ingalena Wittbeck, Personalchef, 0498-29 98 41 (Telefon),

Facklig kontakt
Maria Brunskog, 0498-29 99 87 (Telefon),
Anna- Lena Berglund, 0498-29 98 61 (Telefon),

Högskolan på Gotland

Högskolan på Gotland
62167 VISBY

Cramérgatan 3

Telefonnummer: 0498-29 99 00
Faxnummer: 0498-299962


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