Two Postdoctoral Researchers in psychology (CFP 204-76/2012)

Örebro universitet / Högskolejobb / Örebro
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Two Postdoctoral Researchers in health psychology center for health and medical psychology (CHAMP) at Örebro University

We welcome applicants for two postdoctoral positions in health psychology. We offer an exciting research environment and the opportunity for you to develop your competency and career.

CHAMP is a dynamic and innovative group of researchers and doctoral students who strive to produce cutting-edge research publications. Two separate external reviews have judged CHAMP to be a center of excellence. Our research agenda is focused on three areas: pain, sleep, and emotions. Within these areas we strive to unveil the psychological mechanisms involved so that sound theories may be developed. Once this understanding is achieved we work towards applying the knowledge to better assess, treat, and prevent such disorders.

The positions involve two basic parts. First, the candidate should be comfortable working with members of CHAMP in ongoing projects e.g. data analyses, and the production of articles. CHAMP has a variety of unique data bases that may be appropriate for this. Second, the candidate is expected to develop a project in an area of research where your own interests and knowledge are mixed with CHAMP's to obtain a synergetic effect.

Applicants should have completed their PhD before the start of the postdoctoral position, but not longer ago than 3 years (from May 15, 2012), with an appropriate dissertation. The appointment is for 1 year with a possible extension of 1 year for a productive researcher. The starting date is negotiable. We offer a competitive salary and underscore that the cost of living in Örebro is relatively low with a favorable housing situation. The working language is English.

Candidates should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae including a description of your dissertation, graduate school transcripts, three representative publications, and letters of recommendation from two people who can assess the candidates' analytical and writing skills and potential as a researcher.

For more information you may contact: Professor Steven J. Linton, CHAMP,

Send application materials to Örebro University, Records Office, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden, Reference no CFP 204-76/2012. ( ). Not later than May 15, 2012.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Dag , Heltid , Tidsbegränsad anställning

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Örebro Universitet

Örebro Universitet
Fakultetsgatan 1
70182 Örebro


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