Sipri Director

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti / Ekonomijobb / Solna
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Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is a leading international institute dedicated to independent research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. It consistently ranks as one of the world's top think tanks based on the reliability of its data, analysis, consultations and recommendations, which are highly valued by policymakers, practitioners, experts and the media.

Based in Stockholm, Sweden, and established in 1966, SIPRI has in recent years considerably expanded its staff, budget and overseas outreach while building a dynamic research agenda to illuminate and respond to the rapidly evolving international security order. With staff drawn from around the world, including researchers based in Beijing, SIPRI collaborates closely with a range of well-established, on-the-ground partnerships and operational international networks.

SIPRI seeks a new Director to lead this world-renowned institute.

We seek candidates with
• a strategic vision that aligns with a clear understanding of SIPRI's history and the role of the institute in the community it serves;
• a global perspective, intellectual energy and a commitment to SIPRI's values as an international, independent, impartial and empirically authoritative research institute;
• high professional standing and experience in the fields of international security, conflict and peace, and foreign affairs;
• proven leadership, managerial skills and experience, with an ability to work in a dynamic, open and intercultural environment;
• the ability to inspire, motivate and foster a culture of teamwork and collaboration;
• a proven track record of success in fundraising, including knowledge of and success in attracting foundation and corporate grants, and the ability to identify, steward and solicit individual donors;
• experience in managing a complex budget;
• strong communication skills, both written and oral; and
• the ability to represent the institute internationally and work with both policymakers and diplomatic, academic, media and philanthropic stakeholders.

Applications are invited from persons of any nationality. Applications with a cover letter and CV should be addressed to SIPRI's Deputy Director, Jakob Hallgren, and be emailed or postmarked by 14 November 2014.

Email for applications and enquiries:
Postal address: SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, SE-169 70 Solna, Sweden

For more information about SIPRI visit our website:


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
The appointment will be for five years initially.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-11-14
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Stockholm International Peace Research Insti

Stockholm International Peace Research Insti
Signalistgatan 9
16970 SOLNA

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Telefonnummer: 08-6559700


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