Production Technician

Tetra Pak / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Lund
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In the role as Production Technician we can offer you challenging objectives in a dynamic and new organisation. You will get a wide network of contacts within and outside Tetra Pak.
We are looking for experienced Production Technicians on Tetra Pak Distribution Equipments. You will be part of a Team focused on managing the supply chain for all distribution equipments, more then 1500 units delivered per year from several suppliers spread around the world. The team is dealing with a wide contact area, development and engineering, suppliers and market companies. Working together with Development and Engineering and Suppliers to secure fulfilment of Customer quality requirements, securing new product introductions, develop and maintain standards and quality procedures, contribute to develop supply chain processes by implementing WCM approaches are examples of activities this TEAM will be dealing with. The position is based in Lund.
Your key responsibilities will be to:
• Secure quality, cost and on-time deliveries of Distribution Equipment to our Customers
• Secure production ramp up during the deployment of new equipment from Development and Engineering
• Create production guides and Standard Operating Procedures in close cooperation with our Suppliers
• Estimate, verify and drive lead time reduction activities per Standard Operating Procedure
• Ensure that all manufacturing, assembly and functional test activities are managed by Suppliers according to Tetra Pak specifications and standards
• Drive design improvements to our Development & Engineering organisation related to Suppliers and Installation and Start-up at our Customers
• Participate in and drive WCM teams / improvement projects according to lean methodology at Suppliers
• Prevent non conformities to reach Customers and drive and monitor activities aiming to eradicate them
• Validate improvement solutions at Suppliers and during Installations and Start-up.
The position involves approximately 100 days travelling per year.


Since you will have extensive contacts internally as well as externally with suppliers and customers it is important that you have strong networking and communication skills. You have a strong personal drive and a structured way of working.
We believe that you have 5 years experience as Production Technician or equivalent for Distribution Equipments. Experience from or education in Lean production and WCM approaches are strong advantages. Project Management experience is also beneficial in this position.
You have a BSc in the mechanical or production area and a good command of English, both written and spoken. As a person you like to work in teams and have a very good ability for creating networks and partnership relations. You like to work with both long and short term activities and to see things finalised and successfully delivered.
If you are interested and need further information you are welcome to contact Mikael Wahlgren at +46 46 363413 or Marcello Poli at +39 059 898304. For Trade Union Information please contact Unionen/Bertil S Karlsson at +46 46 362243 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Lennart Bensefelt at +46 46 363094. If you have any questions about your application please contact recruiter Fredrik Kylmä at +46 46 364783.
Please submit your application online at no later than May 26th, 2008.

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Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND

Telefonnummer: 046-361000


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