Lediga jobb: Dissemination (sida 6)
● 2024-07-25 - Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB
Assistant Professor to The Wallenberg Wood Science Center Högskolejobb, Göteborg
● 2024-07-19 - Luleå Tekniska Universitet
Professor in Dependable Communication and Computation Systems Högskolejobb, Luleå
● 2024-07-17 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, Spectroscopy
LDM Researcher with expertise in aerosol science (1yr position) Fysikjobb, Lund
● 2024-07-05 - Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB
PhD on the biaxial thermo-mechanical fatigue resistance of superalloys Högskolejobb, Göteborg
● 2024-07-02 - Lunds universitet, MAX IV, MX
Beamline Scientist MX Fysikjobb, Lund
● 2024-07-01 - Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB
Postdoc position in the Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning Högskolejobb, Göteborg
● 2024-07-01 - Öhrlings Pricewaterhousecoopers AB
Technical Information Security Officer Datajobb, Stockholm
● 2024-06-28 - Öhrlings Pricewaterhousecoopers AB
Technical Information Security Officer Datajobb, Stockholm
● 2024-06-12 - Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Postdoc - Management of fast growing trees (Populus) Biologjobb, Lomma
● 2024-06-12 - Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB
Doctoral student in small-scale mechanical testing of Ti repairs Högskolejobb, Jönköping