Test Framework frontend developer - Electrical Integration Envir

Volvo Car Corporation / Datajobb / Göteborg
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At Research and Development you will be a key contributor to the next generation outstanding luxury cars from Volvo. Together with other engineers around the world, you and your team will create innovative human-centric car technology that makes life less complicated and more enjoyable for people. Are you interested in design and connected car technology? Do you share our passion for people, the environment and our urge to create a superior driving experience? Research and Development is the place for you to prosper.

Electrical Integration Environment Strategy is a group within Electrical System Integration responsible to develop and offer virtual environments at complete vehicle level to verify the electrical integration. The environment can be virtual in a computer environment, Model -In-the -Loop (MIL) or semi virtual, Hardware- In -The -Loop (HIL) environment. The group also has the responsibility to devlelop a common testframework for automatic functional testing in HIL,MIL and SIL environments.

You will be part of a team that develops an in-house software solution for automation of acceptance tests in test rigs of different kinds. Our application is a keyword-based test framework for writing, executing and maintaining test scripts. The intent is to provide possibilities for non-programmers to create concise, portable and easily maintainable tests. The application is written in Python (backend) and HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript (frontend). The application extends the open-source test framework RobotFramework (http://robotframework.org) with a web GUI that contains a test case editor, a test runner and configuration interface. The communication with the test rigs is based on the ASAM XIL standard.

You will work in a cross-functional team responsible for the entire application. You contribute to the overall look and feel of the web GUI with your ideas. You add functionality to the GUI and you fix bugs. Additionally, you are expected to write end-user documentation, tests for your own code and software issue reports in Jira if the need occurs.

We have a lot of fun at work and look forward to your contributions! Besides being technically skilled, you also like networking with other people and enjoy explaining to others how things work.

Several years of experience from web application software development:
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/jQuery, AJAX and REST APIs
Experience from testing and verification
English, both written and spoken

Python + Django
Robot Framework

Personal qualities
Customer focused
Engaged and curious
Drive change and implementation



If you have any questions regarding the position you are welcome to contact Fredrik Höök via e-mail to fredrik.hook@volvocars.com

For questions regarding the recruitment process please contact Claudia Mönch Ottosson at +46 729 707 164 or via e-mail to claudia.monch.ottosson@volvocars.com

Note that applications by e-mail will not be accepted and interviews will be held continuously. To apply please register your profile and attach your application documents via the link below as soon as possible but no later than June 27, 2017.

About Volvo Car Group

The future belongs to those who are empowered by a great idea and have the ability to carry it out. At Volvo Car Group, our vision is clear: "To be the world's most progressive and desired luxury car brand" by simplifying people's lives. We have bold targets when it comes to innovation, sales and customer satisfaction and to make this happen, we need talented people onboard. People with passion, energy, business sense and the drive to innovate. People that want to create the next generation Volvo cars in a global, dynamic and respectful environment. We will support you to reach your full potential. Join us on this exciting journey into the future.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2017-06-27

VOLVO Car Corporation

VOLVO Car Corporation


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