Research Engineer in Mineral processing and flotation

Lkab / Fysikjobb / Luleå
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Visa alla jobb hos Lkab i Luleå, Gällivare, Kiruna eller i hela Sverige

Om företaget / verksamheten

LKAB is an international and high-tech mining and minerals group that mines and upgrades the unique iron ore of northern Sweden for the global steel market. Sustainability is core to our business and our ambition is to be one of the industry's most innovative, resource-efficient and responsible companies. The group had sales of more than SEK 23 billion in 2017 and employs about 4,100 people in 13 countries. Other group business include industrial minerals, drilling systems, rail transport, rockwork services and property management. The department for Process & Product Development is responsible for ensuring, through fact-based knowledge and scientific methodology, the improvement of the production processes and product competitiveness, as well as developing LKAB's other sustainability goals. Our main task is to conduct process and product development and to support the production units. Regardless of working methods, all our work is carried out in collaboration with other organizational units within the company and with external parties.


Om tjänsten
You will mainly be working in a project with development of the apatite flotation process. Assignments include laboratory tests at our own labs as well as in cooperation with external labs. You will be located in Malmberget but our assignment and the project scope also includes other sites. The job is time limited until 2018-12-31.

You have an academic degree in mineral processing and experience of laboratory work. You may very well have recently graduated. You have a valid drivers license for car (B). Committed, Innovative and Responsible are important terms for you.

Vi erbjuder

A job in a high-tech and sustainable mining and mineral group operating in a global, competitive market. LKAB offers a number of different employment benefits, including healthcare and opportunities for varied activities for our staff.

Övrig information

LKAB strives for diversity and even gender distribution in our workplaces. For further information, please contact Johan Siikavaara, +46 980 78325. You are welcome to submit your CV and personal statement by 29th of July at the latest. Union contact: Ledarna Södra, Stefan Tallfjärd Unionen Södra, Per-Ola Eriksson SACO Södra, Annika Taavoniku

Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-07-29


98186 KIRUNA

Luossavaara-Kirunavaara AB


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