Research Engineer GTC-Team Leader

Premier Service Sverige AB / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Trollhättan
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Visa alla maskiningenjörsjobb i Trollhättan, Essunga, Vänersborg, Lilla Edet, Grästorp eller i hela Sverige
Visa alla jobb hos Premier Service Sverige AB i Trollhättan, Essunga, Vänersborg, Lilla Edet, Grästorp eller i hela Sverige


Om företaget
GKN Aerospace is one of the world's largest independent first tier suppliers to the global aviation
industry. With over 100 year's aerospace experience, we harness our considerable knowledge and
advanced manufacturing technologies to supply high-value, integrated assemblies in both metallic and
composite materials.
GKN Aerospace Sweden AB, with 2000 employees, is located in Trollhättan Sweden. GKN Aerospace
Sweden AB is a part of GKN Aerospace Engine Systems ("AES"). AES have 4,000 people working in
12 manufacturing sites in Sweden, Norway, USA and Mexico.

The Global Technology Center (GTC) is where we at GKN Aerospace work together to develop the
technologies for the future. We make it possible for the company to meet the current and future
challenges of the industry, to offer better products to our customers and to grow as a market leader.
We work to deliver a sustainable aviation.

To fulfill our mission, we establish and maintain strategic technology relationships/partnerships with
key customers, companies and academia, we find new R&D opportunities that help us to mature
technologies to TRL 6, we manage IP, we invest in infrastructure, and especially, we invest in our

The Global Technology Center (GTC) in Trollhättan is looking for a team leader to lead a
multidisciplinary team working the development of technologies needed for more sustainable
Key Responsibilities
• Ensure that the team reaches its objectives in terms of time and technical results.
• Manage the project/team schedule and report status/progress to the Technology Project
• Organize and lead technical reviews
• Lead the team and ensure that everyone in the team:
• knows and executes his or her role
• feels empowered and supported in the role
• knows the roles of the other team members and can assume that those roles will be
• Manage the team risks and escalate to the Technology Project Manager if necessary.
• Ensure that the work is documented and performed according to GKN's Operational
Management System (ref. Develop Technology Process, Procedure for the Development of

• You are curious and have strong drive towards solving complex technical problems.
• You have an ambition to drive technology work and lead a team of highly skilled engineers
• You are an MSc in Mechanical Engineer or a related field, or have several years relevant work
experience in industry.
• You have 5 + years of experience leading engineering teams, preferably teams working with
technology or product development work
• You have good ability to communicate and present plans and results internally as well as
externally with our partners
• You have good social skills, the ability to motivate a team and create effective networks
• You are proficient in English and Swedish

Om företaget
Vår samarbetspartner i den här rekryteringen är rekryteringsföretaget Premier. Har du frågor, så tveka inte att ringa Kandidatansvarig Nathalie Stenman tel 0707-858413 Din ansökan skickar du in via Premiers hemsida, snarast, I den här rekryteringen kommer vi arbeta med löpande urval, så skicka gärna din ansökan idag.
Med anledning av nya dataskyddsförordningen GDPR, ber vi dig att utesluta de sista fyra siffrorna i ditt personnummer samt eventuella referenskontakter i din ansökan/CV.
Välkommen med din ansökan!

Om Premier
Premier är ett auktoriserat rekryterings- och bemanningsföretag som har varit verksamt sedan 1993. Vi har verksamhet på 6 orter och är idag ca 500 anställda. Vi är en helhetsleverantör vad gäller personal inom försäljning/marknad, ekonomi, industri, lager/logistik, teknik, HR, inköp och administration. Vår målsättning är att alltid försöka överträffa våra kunders och medarbetares förväntningar och att erbjuda både våra kunder och sökande bästa möjliga bemötande.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2023-12-29
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Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "7336".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Premier Service Sverige AB ( 556495-2017),

För detta jobb krävs körkort.


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