Project Leader - Polymer techniques

Tetra Pak / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Lund
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Do you want to work in an eventful and evolving environment?
The production within Sealing & Creasing is facing great challenges when we now modernize. There are a lot of investments in new technologies such as injection moulding.
Your main task will be to lead various investment projects. You will also contribute with your knowledge and experience of polymers. You will take our polymer components/equipment from design/prototype to order fulfilment production. You will develop and optimize our production processes within injection moulding.


We are looking for someone with knowledge within polymer material and experience of production and injection moulding. You have a feeling for producing polymer products with quality. You are also used to working with product documentation and quality systems. You have experience from working with planning and projects management.
The right candidate will probably have a degree in engineering and a couple of years experience in material or process development. If you have experience from production technique this will be considered as a merit.
As a person you are result oriented, like to use a methodic approach and challenged by building internal and external networks. You want to be part of a team but also drive on your own responsibilities.
To be successful you will probably also have to be driving, proactive and thorough. You feel comfortable in a fast pace environment and is often involved in different areas. It is positive if you have experience from analysis/calculations/simulations, CAD or WCM/lean.
In return we can offer you a exciting activity with great possibilities to develop with in a international company.
If you are interested and need further information, please contact Alexandra Engström at +46 46 36 4975.
For trade union information please contact Unionen/Bertil Karlsson at +46 46 36 22 43 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Lennart Bensefelt at +46 46 36 30 94.
For information about your application, please contact Fredrik Kylmä at +46 46 36 4783.

Arbetstider och omfattning

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Så ansöker du
Please submit your application online at no later than August 25, 2008.

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND

Telefonnummer: 046-361000


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