Doctoral studentship in Environmental Science

Södertörns högskola / Högskolejobb / Huddinge
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Visa alla jobb hos Södertörns högskola i Huddinge, Stockholm, Haninge eller i hela Sverige

Södertörn University in south Stockholm is a dynamic institute of higher education with a unique profile and high academic standard. A large proportion of the university staff holds doctorates and there is a strong link between undergraduate education and research. Södertörn University has around 13 000 students and 840 employees.
Södertörn University is an equal opportunities employer.

Environmental Science is a broad interdisciplinary research subject that examines societal interactions with natural values, processes and resources. Environmental Science covers the study of ecological, climatic and other natural processes that affect ecosystems over space and time, human-induced environmental problems, and environmental policy, governance and sustainability challenges. Knowledge in both natural and social sciences is necessary for the understanding of environmental and, more broadly, sustainability challenges. Research in Environmental Science at Södertörn University focuses on two integrated themes: (1) Sustainability Challenges and Pathways and (2) Environment. These themes, as well as research in Environmental Science at Södertörn University, are described in more detail here.

For more information about doctoral education and research in Environmental Studies at Södertörn University, please click here.

For complete information, see link below:

The application deadline is June 30, 2022.


Information and instructions for the application procedure are available on our website,

When applying, please use Södertörns University's web-based recruitment system ReachMee, or follow the link "ANSÖK" (APPLY) provided at the end of this announcement.

Follow the links below to learn more about admission regulations and third-cycle education at Södertörn University:

Regulations for third-cycle education at Södertörn University

Södertörn University's Admission Regulations

General Syllabus for Environmental Science

Michael Gilek, Professor, leader of the LAND-PATHS sub-project on marine and costal landscapes,, +46 (0)70 792 3278
Ester Appelgren, Head of School, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies,, +46 (0)8 608 4183
Karin Ebert, Director of Doctoral Studies,, +46 (0)8 608 5283
Marie Granroth, Human Resources Officer,, +46 (0)8 608 4771

Welcome with your application!

On our website,, there is an application template that the applicant needs to follow. Publications referred to must be attached to the application.

An application that is not complete or arrives at Södertörn University after the closing date may be rejected.

The current employment is valid on condition that the employment decision becomes valid.

Södertörn University may apply CV review.

Union representatives:
SEKO: Henry Wölling tel: +46 8 524 840 80,

Södertörn University has made strategic advertisement choices for this recruitment. Therefore, we decline all contact with advertisers and other salespersons of advertisement.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-06-30
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Södertörns Högskola

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Södertörns Högskola ( 202100-4896),


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