Doctoral student in Computer Science

Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB / Högskolejobb / Jönköping
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The School of Engineering is one of four schools within Jönköping University.

We offer attractive education at undergraduate and graduate levels and conduct research in several areas. As a collaborative school, we spread knowledge to the surrounding society and co-develop new technology. We have been awarded the accreditation "Engaged University" by the international organization ACEEU (Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities).

The Department of Computer Science and Informatics (CSI) is one of two departments within IT and provides academic programmes in subjects ranging from software engineering and embedded systems to user experience design and cyber security and is also conducting research in associated areas. Our education programmes are developed in close collaboration with the surrounding industry and have a yearly intake of about 300 students. To further support interdisciplinary research, the department maintains a close relationship with its sister department: the Department of Computing, which includes the Jönköping AI Lab (JAIL). IT is an expanding area at School of Engineering, and we are currently hiring new staff.

Job description

As a doctoral student you will, advised by a supervisory team, carry out a research and coursework program awarding a PhD degree in computer science. Your research will be carried out within the research project Faster algorithms and lower bounds for non-monotonic reasoning, funded by the Swedish Research Council, in collaboration with Linköping University and other partners. The project is situated at the intersection of artificial intelligence, theoretical computer science, and complexity theory. In addition, you will participate in education on bachelor and master level.

Main duties include:

- planning and execution of research, and dissemination of research results through publication,
- completing PhD coursework of ca. 90 ECTS credits,
- participating in education on bachelor and master level (at most 20 %).

Research project description

NP-hard problems frequently occur in many real-world situations due to their rich modeling power. Even though only superpolynomial algorithms are currently known, there is still a large practical incentive to find faster algorithms, and significant improvements over brute force search can in general be achieved.

This project will investigate superpolynomial algorithms for non-monotonic reasoning problems, with a particular focus on propositional abduction. Despite seeing many real-world applications, the precise exponential time complexity of abduction is currently a blind spot, and no improved algorithms are known for the NP-hard cases. A systematic attack will be issued on the complexity of abduction, and other forms of non-monotonic reasoning, by constructing faster algorithms and simultaneously investigating how close to optimal the algorithms are by proving new lower bounds under the exponential-time hypothesis. To study the complexity in a systematic way the constraint-based framework will be used employing the algebraic approach based on partial polymorphisms.


You have a master's degree in computer science or completed coursework amounting to at least 240 ECTS-credits including at least 60 ECTS-credits from the second cycle in the field of computer science; alternatively demonstrated essentially equivalent knowledge.

Jönköping University has a clear international character, which also requires that you are fluent in written and communicative ability in English.

A strong track record on bachelor and master level studies is meritorious and we also value any background (education or research) in one or more of the following areas:

- Discrete mathematics, algebra, logic
- Algorithm development and analysis
- Computational complexity theory.

Your documented track record in planning, analysis and writing tasks demonstrate that you are a critical person with an eye for detail and accuracy. We are looking for someone who is self-motivated, inquisitive, and analytical in nature. You are patient and not easily demotivated by difficult problems.

You are systematic in your approach and are stimulated by cooperation as well as take responsibility in reaching your goals. You are reflective about your work and communicative with your colleagues. Ability to supervise students in the Swedish language is meritorious.


We offer a fully financed full-time position which is limited in accordance with the applicable collective agreement for doctoral students. The start date of the employment is 2023-08-01 2023-08-01, or according to agreement.

The employment as a doctoral student normally covers five years, of which four years (80%) consist of full-time doctoral studies. The employment is extended annually based on the individual study plan. The salary is regulated according to a special doctoral student ladder. Annual working time for teachers according to the university's collective agreement applies.

The School of Engineering encourages applications of both female and male applicants. We are actively working for a more balanced distribution between male and female researchers/teachers. We value having an organization made up of diverse skills, experiences, and abilities, which is why we encourage applications from all backgrounds. We are committed to equality and diversity within our organization.


Welcome with your application, no later than 2023-04-17.
We encourage applicants to apply as soon as possible.

Your application is preferred in PDF form through our recruitment system and must include:

- a personal cover letter
- a cv
- attested certificates and diploma
- contact information to at least two (2) references.

We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.

Jönköping University is a modern institution, characterized by internationalization and an entrepreneurial spirit. We attract highly qualified, inventive, and enterprising people from all around the world. We develop new knowledge and share our expertise through solid collaborations with industry and business, the public sector and other higher education institutions. We offer an equal and inclusive workplace, and we welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds. For more information, visit


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2023-04-17
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Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "2023/1037-211".

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB ( 556487-2751)

The School of Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics

Anders Arvidsson

Övrig information om företaget/organisationen
Offentliga upphandlingar genomförda av Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping AB


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