Swedish Selection ? a growing retail store

Swedish Selection AB / Ekonomichefsjobb / Stockholm
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Swedish Selection ? a growing retail store. Our target customer base are the tourists from all over the world especially from China. We are looking for a talented Store Manager which have good relationship capital and client resource with Chinese Travel, can help the store make a rapid growth through a period.

Responsibilities include:
• Exploring customer circle and developing customer relationship
• Keep a good relationship with distributors
• Able to ensure the Showroom is well presented, clean and organized at all times.
• Able to listen to, and understand customers? needs.
• Confident with customers and delivering positive customer experience.
• Innovative in approach and open to new ideas.

• Direct clients resource of Chinese travel agency
• Previous experience managing / leading a retail sales team.
• Good communication skills and well presented
• Must be fluent in English and Mandarin both in Speaking and Writing, Swedish is favorable
• Knowledge and passion for all things are a must!

If you are a mature, highly motivated, organized, outgoing and adventurous person with excellent communication and leadership skills, we would like to meet you!


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2014-12-05
Ansökan kan skickas till e-postadress: info@swedishselection.se

Swedish Selection AB

Swedish Selection AB
Malmskillnadsgatan 38
11157 Stockholm

Malmskillnadsgatan 38
Visa på karta


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