Project Manager Additional Materials Straw

Tetra Pak / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Lund
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Tetra Pak SCO - Additional Materials - Straw Business organization has 12 factories worldwide producing over 25 billion straws. DSO Straws team, part of Straw Business, is seeking a professional with a strong technical background for the position of Project Manager. You will drive multiple development projects / activities of new straws and straw production equipment - improving the quality, reliability, productivity of current and future equipment at the lowest possible cost with a limited amount of time.

The position will be in Sweden or Portugal, while the project management and execution requires at least 4 international trips (1 week each) of travel per year which brings you op-portunity to develop and gain exposure to straw business in a truly multi-cultural / multi-location environment.

Main responsibilities

• Overall responsible for planning, execution and delivery of a project on time, quality and cost.
• Together with stakeholders agree on scope and deliverables for the project.
• Form the project team and together with the involved line organisations develop detailed delivery and resource plans to meet project goals.
• Expand and actively participate in the improvement program WCM by assisting responsibilities under the Early Management Pillar.
• Support factories with issue resolution, possible installation support, and knowledge transfer.
• Support all roles within DSO Straws with support management to complete activities.


The successful candidate is a self-motivated person with strong business mind-set and results oriented. Strong attention to details, balanced with the ability to see the project as a whole. Ability to exercise informal authority in order to build effective teams and motivate others. Excellent communication skills a must in order to create buy-in with important stake holders and team members.

Preferred background having a university degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering supporting mechanical understanding skills. Mechatronics skills needed to support field service, factories and DSO Straw Business. Project Management experience needed. Proven WCM experi-ence as well as PC / PD /TD processes is beneficial.

Please submit your application online at Orbis no later than May 10 , 2017.

For further information about the position, please contact Chris Kestle at +1-804-400-5647.

For trade union information please contact Unionen/Lisbeth Larsson at +46 46 36 2320 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Lennart Bensefelt at +46 46 36 3094.

For information about your application, please contact recruiter Andreas Hjalmarsson at +46 46 36 2167.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 0001-01-01

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND


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