Project coordinators

Emmaboda kommun, Kommunledningskontoret / Administratörsjobb / Emmaboda
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Visa alla jobb hos Emmaboda kommun, Kommunledningskontoret i Emmaboda

Emmaboda Municipality and Nybro Municipality have together applied to CARE-call within European Social Fund. The call aims at enabling employment and skill development for the Ukrainian citizens who have been granted a residence and work permit under the Temporary Protection Directive. Emmaboda and Nybro are situated in the heart of the Southern Sweden with good train connection to Växjö, Kalmar and Karlskrona. People appreciate living close to nature as the area consists of forests and lakes. Living costs are attractive and communal services like kindergarten are available here. Care, openness and innovative thinking are our way of working.
Awaiting the grant, we are now looking for Ukrainian/ English speaking persons that can assist the implementation of the project activities in Emmaboda and Nybro. The team, connecting Emmaboda and Nybro, will consist of 3 full time positions, shared between up to 5 persons (3 in the mobile team).


You will have an overall responsibility for daily communications with the target group, both physical and through social media, as well as for the targets groups well-being, their knowledge about the Swedish society and ability to navigate in the outer world. Together we will build up a community and networks across sectors: with the target group, employers, landlords and different institutions. You are an active support to the project leader - to plan and carry out the activities, recruit and register the participants, distribute them among the nodes and make sure that they follow the plan, develop and come closer to the labour market. You are a contact person who regularly meets the target group in Emmaboda and Nybro, and, in case of urgent life events, can quickly refer to the right authorities. You assist the project team with translation and interpretation.

We are looking for a good team-player, open-minded and interested in bringing a change to the societal challenges. You have multilingual skills (preferably Ukrainian/English/ Russian, (Swedish will be a merit). You show a great interest in the Swedish society and ability to find information regarding the target group at the governmental and municipal level. You show openness, curiosity and respect for people regardless their origin and you can overcome the cultural differences. Great communication skills - both oral and digital - and the right attitude are crucial for the position, as well as driving licence and flexibility as the working hours can extend to evenings or weekends. It is an added value if you have a medical or psychological background (at least 1 person), or entrepreneurial background (1 person). You learn fast and adapt to new skills, and continually improve your Swedish skills in line with the work tasks. You are ready to cooperate closely with the project leader who will introduce you to the project plan and handle the trainings needed for the project implementation.

Digital application Visma recruit or e-mail to

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Deltid. Tidsbegränsad anställning, tillträde: Start earliest November 1st 2022 provided that necessary decisions are made. The position is time-limited until August 31 2023.

Enligt avtal.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-10-30
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Emmaboda kommun, Kommunledningskontoret

Arbetsgivarens referens
Arbetsgivarens referens för detta jobb är "137/2022".

Detta är ett deltidsjobb.

Emmaboda kommun ( 212000-0738)

Emmaboda kommun, Kommunledningskontoret

Tf projektledare
Iwona Slojka
073 429 23 99


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