Pre-school educator for Vittra i Katrineberg

Vittra / Förskollärarjobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Vittra i Stockholm, Solna, Lidingö, Sundbyberg, Järfälla eller i hela Sverige

Do you want to work under a clear educational direction together with the colleagues in your team? Would you like to work in a stimulating and safe environment with a close educational relationship between adults and students? If so then Vittra could be for you!
At Vittra, we have an aim for the children in our care to acquire new knowledge and skills, to develop the ability to get to know themselves and also the ability to become a "master of learning". The three core values of knowledge, personal development and learning to learn, are mutually dependent and form three equally important elements of our work to encourage each child's personal development. Learn more about our educational model at
At Vittra i Katrineberg we are searching for a english speaking pre-school educator. At our Vittra International schools all our educators are bilingual. This means that the children have good conditions to learn both languages in a natural way.
We are looking for someone who:
• Is a qualified pre-school educator
• Has English as a mother tongue and speaks and undestands Swedish. If not then the accepted candidate must be willing to learn Swedish to an agreed level during an initial trial period of employment.
• Shares our values and our view of knowledge, learning and personal development
• Has a genuine interest in the individual and is able to adapt content and methods for each situation and for each child different needs.
• Has a process-oriented approach - identifying, preparing, carrying out, leading, and reflecting - on the basis of each individual's personal development, skills development and learning.
We look forward to receiving your application!
We will gladly accept your application via the link below. Unfortunately the first part of the registration procedure is in Swedish. If you would like a help-sheet in English to guide you through this process then please email . Your application must contain your CV, a personal letter as well as proof of examinations/documentations. Selections and interviews will be held continuously and the position might be filled before the application deadline.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre
November 2010 - May 2012

Fast lön

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-09-30
Ansökan sker via företagets webbplats.
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Elin Berggren, 08-19 78 77,


Box 12267
10226 Stockholm

Rålambsvägen 17

Telefonnummer: 08-54587250


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