PhD Student to The Measurement methods project

The School of Engineering, Construction Engineering and Lighting / Administratörsjobb (offentlig verksamhet) / Jönköping
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Visa alla jobb hos The School of Engineering, Construction Engineering and Lighting i Jönköping

The School of Engineering is one of four schools within Jönköping University. We offer attractive technical education at undergraduate and graduate levels and conduct advanced research in several technological areas. The School of Engineering is able to award doctorates in the area of industrial product realization. We collaborate with the surrounding society to develop new technology and spread knowledge to strengthen the competitiveness of companies. Working with us, you are close to colleagues in an international environment with great opportunities to influence and develop.

As a doctoral student, we offer a fully financed full-time position.

Most of the working time will be devoted to doctoral studies (80%) which includes coursework and writing a doctoral thesis. The remaining 20% is allocated for teaching and administrative tasks.

The doctoral student will be co-founded and will contribute to the Smart built Environment (SBE)'s research project "Measurement methods". SBE is a strategic innovation program financed by Energimyndigheten, Formas and Vinnova jointly with partners from industry and public organizations.
The program aims to:
• reduce the environmental impact by 40%
• reduce planning and construction time by 33%
• reduce total construction costs by 33%
• enable new business logic in the built environment sector

In particular, the "Measurement methods" project aims to:

- Validate, measure and develop metrics to guide and to follow up the Smart Built Environments objectives and program stakeholders,
but also, that these results will contribute to

- Construction of new knowledge for scientific publishing, international appeal and relevant courses.
Within this context, the doctoral student is expected to suggest a research proposal aligned to the SBE's goals. More information about SBE and the "Measurement methods" project here:

As applicant you should have the equivalent of a master's level by the time the employment starts. You need to have fulfilled course requirements of at least 240 credit points (ECTS credits), 60 of which should be at the advanced level. You need to have a strong knowledge about the construction process and Building Information Management.

Fluency in English and Swedish, both written and oral, is a requirement. We seek candidates who have the ambition to pursue an international research career. You enjoy and are stimulated by working independently with great responsibility as well as in a team.

It is meritorious to have previous experience in teaching or research. Bachelor, master's thesis or work experience within the project's subject, or have previous work experiences in Swedish companies active in the construction sector will also be a merit.

The employment is limited in accordance with applicable collective agreement. Salary is also regulated in collective agreement.

Full time (100%), with start from 1 September 2019 or as agreed upon.

You are welcome with your application no later than 31 May 2019

Your application should include:

- personal letter
- CV
- certified copies of university education/degree
- master's thesis

Jönköping University is a modern institution, characterized by internationalization and an entrepreneurial spirit. We attract highly qualified, inventive and enterprising people from all around the world. We develop new knowledge and share our expertise through solid collaborations with industry and business, the public sector and other higher education institutions. We offer an equal and inclusive workplace and we welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds. For more information, visit

Varaktighet, arbetstid
100%. Tillträde: 1 September 2019 or as agreed upon Visstidsanställning



Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2019-05-31
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 2019/1921-221
Klicka på denna länk för att göra din ansökan

Annika Moscati +46 36-10 1565
Thomas Olsson +46 36-10 1956

The School of Engineering, Construction Engineering and Lighting

The School of Engineering, Construction Engineering and Lighting
Gjuterigatan 5
55111 Jönköping

Gjuterigatan 5


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