PhD student position in software engineering

Blekinge tekniska högskola / Högskolejobb / Karlskrona
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Visa alla jobb hos Blekinge tekniska högskola i Karlskrona, Ronneby, Karlshamn eller i hela Sverige

We are one of Sweden's most distinctly profiled institutes of technology, with a focus on IT and innovation for a sustainable future. A key word at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) is closeness - close cooperation with industry and society, and closeness to our students and to our management.
Our closeness to the sea is also very apparent at both campuses, as well as being a comfortable bike ride away from the city and residential areas. BTH stands for quality and new approaches and strives to be recognised as an open, exciting and creative higher education institution.
We develop new knowledge through our research, which often takes place in collaboration with wider society and with a specific application in mind. The research contributes to a sustainable future, through directly through our research results as well as indirectly, through our PhD graduates and research-based undergraduate studies. To reach our goals, we need motivated and committed staff who are provided with the conditions to deliver research and education of the highest quality. Work environment and equal opportunities are consistently on the agenda and we strive for continuous improvements. Does this sound like your future?

The Department of Software Engineering belongs to the Faculty of Computing and consists of almost 50 people from 19 countries. Our tradition in software engineering originated from 1990 when we launched Sweden's first education programme in software engineering. The department's research and education environment, SERL Sweden Software Engineering Research and Education Lab Sweden, has since then developed into one of the world's leading research institutions in software engineering. The department is responsible for study programmes in software engineering on all levels, from Bachelor over Master to PhD.

Work description:
The position comprises empirical research in software engineering in collaboration with our industry partners.

As a side product of modern software development, a wealth of data about software products and services as well as the processes used to produce them become available. These can, for example, be metrics reports, change histories, accepted/rejected bug fixes, user reviews, etc. This software engineering data can be analyzed and eventually be used to improve the quality of the software and the effectiveness of the development processes.

The research in this position involves the collection and analysis of software engineering data and proposing approaches for quality or process improvements that will eventually be piloted and evaluated.

Our tradition of close cooperation with industry means that we particularly value an interest in and experience from evaluation and improvement work in or in collaboration with industry.

Rules and benefits for PhD students in Sweden apply to this position. The doctoral student will develop an individual study plan in software engineering, together with his/her supervisor(s). The position may include up to 20% other services, e.g., teaching and supervision in undergraduate and graduate courses.


To be employed as a PhD student, admission to postgraduate studies (third-cycle education) is required. Qualified for entry to third-cycle education is she/he who has completed a second-cycle qualification in the fields of engineering, mathematics, or sciences or who in some other way has acquired knowledge to be able to profit by the third-cycle studies of the subject.

Meriting competencies and experiences :

• Master or Master of Science degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science,
or equivalent.
• Professional experience in software development.
• Proficiency in written and oral communication in English.
• Ability to work independently as well as in a team.

Employment level:
100 %.

To be agreed.

Temporary position. The duration is up to 4 years of full-time research. The position may comprise up to 20% of other duties (e.g., teaching), in which case the duration can be extended to a maximum of 5 years.

Application instructions:

Please submit your application by September 30, 2020, at the latest.

Your application shall include the following:

• A cover sheet that clearly points out in which area(s) you are applying.
• A letter of interest, including a statement of your background and your relevant professional experience (if applicable).
• A CV.
• Certified copies of grades and diplomas.
• Contact information for two references.
• The earliest date you can start to work.
• An appendix with current publications (if applicable).
• A link to your thesis (latest/highest degree).

You apply online through our recruitment system by clicking on the "apply" button.

Blekinge Institute of Technology, BTH, embraces diversity and welcomes applicants with varying backgrounds and experiences.
We work actively to take advantage of the qualities that diversity and and an even gender distribution contribute to our operations.

We have chosen media for this recruitment and therefore we reject contact with advertisers or sellers of recruitment services.

Varaktighet, arbetstid
Heltid/ Ej specificerat



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Sista dag att ansöka är 2020-09-30
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Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola ( 202100-4011),


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