PhD student position in Medical science

Umeå universitet / Högskolejobb / Umeå
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PhD student position in Medical science with an orientation towards Medical Biophysics
Announced by the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Description of the PhD project
Biochemical metabolites are synthesized and turn over along multiple pathways, controlled by metabolic regulation. Differences in metabolic regulation between health and disease define the molecular basis of disease. Therefore, early detection of metabolic mis-regulation is a promising strategy to prevent disease. Similarly, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have varying sources, are transported between environmental compartments, and are transformed into potentially more toxic compounds. Identifying these processes is key to evaluating the potential significant impacts of POPs on human health and the environment. As a novel approach in both fields, we use state-of-the-art isotope techniques to identify metabolic mis-regulation and transformation of POPs.
Heavy stable isotopes occur everywhere in nature, and are therefore present as tracers in all molecules. To extract the most detailed information from isotopes, we measure their intramolecular distributions using advanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. We have previously shown that intramolecular isotope distributions are characteristic of pathways of synthesis and their regulation. In collaboration with national and international partners, you will measure and analyze intramolecular isotope distributions, and develop a mechanistic understanding of isotope fractionations during synthesis and transformations of metabolites and POPs.
A bachelor university degree in chemistry or biochemistry, with a minimum of 240 ECTS (or equivalent). Experience with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) or stable isotopes is a merit.
Specific admission requirements
In order to be admitted to postgraduate studies, it is required that the
applicant has:
1. necessary knowledge from higher education or corresponding education and/or special professional experience that is assessed in relation to the research area.
2. necessary language skills in English, concerning both oral and writing skills.
Further information: Please contact Jürgen Schleucher,
Start date negotiable.
Salary/type of position
The salary is made up of a postgraduate student allowance (“utbildningsbidrag”) for the first two years and the salary successively increases according to a stipulated scale in the last two years of the PhD position (“doktorandtjänst”).
Union information is available from SACO, (0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, (0)90-786 52 96 and ST, (0)90-786 54 31.
The procedure for recruitment for the position is in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (chapt. 12, 2 §) and the decision regarding the position cannot be appealed. The applications will be discarded or, if the applicant wishes, returned two years after the position has been filled.
Application procedure
The application should be in English and should include a cover letter describing your motivation for this position, CV including a list of university courses with grades, a copy of your graduate work, and names and addresses of two persons willing to act as references.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-307-09 should be sent in MS Word or PDF format to or to the Registrator, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive May 8, 2009 at the latest.


Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

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Så ansöker du
Sista dag att ansöka är 2009-05-08
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: 313-307-09

Jürgen Schleucher,

Umeå universitet

Umeå universitet
90187 UMEÅ

Telefonnummer: 090-786 50 00


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