PhD Student

Göteborgs universitet / Psykologjobb / Göteborg
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PhD Student
REF NR G 213 3264/08 at Institution for medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg
Application deadline: 2008-09-15
Leadership and managerial stress prevention in health care organizations
Project description
Stress or balance among health care leaders has impact of quality of care, leaders turnover and employee stress. The need for managerial support to handle work-place stress is well recognized. This project will focus on how stress or balance among health care leaders is related to time-use, environmental and activity patterns. The project combines individual and organizational measures and perspectives in order to develop and evaluate leadership support programs. Data will be collected by 2-4 full day observations of each 1st and 2nd line manager concerning their activities, strategies and environmental conditions. The observations will be complemented with qualitative interviews, questionnaire and physiological measures of stress before and after intervention. Group-based interventions will be evaluated and the observed obstacles and resources for changed strategies will be described. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis will be used sequential and in combination. The doctoral student will cooperate with researchers within the following research fields: Organization, Stress Medicine and Work Science.
The project is part of the multidisciplinary graduate school Miljö och Hälsa (Environment and Health) coordinated by Centre for Environment and Sustainability at University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. Terms of employment: two years of utbildningsbidrag and two years of doktorandanställning is guaranteed as PhD student.
Desired background: master degree in psychology, public health, medicine, nursing or behavioural science. Experience and skills in qualitative and quantitative methods are desired. Knowledge of stress, leadership, organisation, psychobiology, group-based working-life interventions is an advantage. Fluent Swedish is required due to design (observation-studies).
For more information about the project, please contact main supervisor Lotta Dellve, .
The application must have reached the Sahlgrenska office no later than Monday
September 15, 2008. The application must be made on a special form; please see: GNING_TILL_FORSKARUTBILDNING_rev_080702.pdf
Please, adress the application to:
The Academy office, Department of Education, P.O. Box 400, S-405 30 GÖTEBORG, Sweden.
The application must contain: application form, personal letter, copy of Diploma and a Curriculum Vitae, including references.
If you have questions about the application procedure, please e-mail
Representative of the employees:
SACO, Gunnel Lindö 031-786 5731 OFR-S Eva Sjögren 031-786 11 69, SEKO Lennart Olsson 031-786 11 73 .


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