PhD Project: Advanced spray diagnostics -ballist

Chalmers tekniska högskola / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Göteborg
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The Department of Applied Mechanics is one of the leading environments within Vehicle and Mechanical Engineering research. The six different research divisions conduct world leading research, usually in close collaboration with national and international industries. Research topics encompass both fundamental and applied research questions.
Job description
We are seeking a new PhD student to start in the spring or summer of 2011. The research will be conducted within the project described below.
Fuel sprays are critically important for modern engine development, but the mechanics of spray breakup are not well understood. One problem is that it has been very hard to study what happens just as the jet leaves the injector because a very dense cloud of droplets surrounds that area and makes it very difficult to observe what happens. Chalmers has been developing a new laser diagnostic technique named ?ballistic imaging? that is capable of visualizing spray breakup inside this cloud (see this paper: "Ballistic Imaging of the Near Field in a Diesel Spray", Mark Linne , Megan Paciaroni, Tyler Hall, and Terry Parker, Experiments in Fluids, 40, 836-846, (2006)).
Chalmers is purchasing a new 2-pulse femtosecond laser system that will allow us to perform measurements of the velocity of the liquid/gas interface.
The PhD student will work with;
• Installing and running the diagnostic system.
• Performing fundamental studies of spray breakup in various kinds of sprays, mostly at Chalmers but also at the University of Lund.
• Helping to further develop this technique, in collaboration with a small community that uses it.
As a doctoral student you will have a main supervisor and associate supervisor(s). The project includes scientific research (Applied Physics, with an emphasis on ultrashort pulse techniques, optics, imaging, and image analysis) with some relevance to industry. You will present your research at scientific seminars and conferences. The project requires that you develop an ability to extract useful results from your research and to communicate these, verbally and in writing, in Swedish and in English. This is in addition to the general requirement of good basic knowledge within your chosen research field.
You will be employed as a doctoral student by Chalmers and will receive a salary according to current salary agreements. A maximum of 20% of your working time will be devoted to duties at the department in question, mainly teaching on bachelor and master level. The remaining time will be devoted to your own research education, where the aim is to complete your PhD examination within 5 years (nominal time without department duties is 4 years).
Required qualifications
The applicant should have a Master of Science (Swedish: civilingenjör) exam, preferably in Engineering physics or in Physics or with a similar background. Knowledge about lasers and laser lab work is advantageous.
Knowledge of the Swedish language is desirable but not a requirement. However, all PhD Students are expected to be able to teach in Swedish as well as in English after two years of employment. Those who do not have Swedish as their mother tongue are offered courses in the Swedish language.
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Arbetstider och omfattning
Visstidsanställning 6 månader eller längre

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Mark Linne, Professor, 031 772 83 60

Facklig kontakt
Jan Lindér, 031 772 10 00 (SACO)
Marie Wenander, 031 772 10 00
Johan Persson, 031 772 10 00

Chalmers tekniska högskola

Chalmers tekniska högskola

Telefonnummer: 031-772 10 00


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