One doctoral studentship in Media technology

Södertörns högskola / Datajobb / Huddinge
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Visa alla jobb hos Södertörns högskola i Huddinge, Botkyrka, Stockholm, Haninge eller i hela Sverige

Diarienr. 503/1.6.1/2014

Södertörns högskola (Södertörn University) in south Stockholm is a dynamic institute of higher education with a unique profile and high academic standard. A large proportion of the university staff holds doctorates and there is a strong link between undergraduate education and research. Södertörn University currently has 13 000 students and 850 employees.

Undergraduate and postgraduate education and research are conducted in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Technology and Education. Our site is in Flemingsberg.

Södertörn University is an equal opportunities employer.

Call for applications for:

One doctoral studentship in Media technology at the Baltic and Eastern European Graduate School, in cooperation with Stockholm University

Media technology in the Swedish context originates from graphic production and the printing industry, but is presently often focused on digital media, with approaches from a variety of perspectives, for example humanistic, technical, social scientific, artistic, aesthetic and educational. At Södertörn University, the department is one of the largest teaching departments in first and second cycle education. It constitutes a dynamic and fast growing research environment, with researchers from various backgrounds such as interaction design, informatics, cognitive science, game studies, sociology and education.

More information can be found at:

Application deadline is 17 March 2014.

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Södertörns högskola

Södertörns högskola
Alfred Nobels allé 7
14189 Huddinge


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