Lektor i inredningsarkitektur och möbeldesign inr. rumslig gesta

Konstfack / Högskolejobb / Stockholm
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Visa alla jobb hos Konstfack i Stockholm

Konstfackis Sweden's largest university college of art and design, with approximately 900 students and 200 employees. We offer study programmes at bachelor's and master's level in fine art, crafts, design and teacher training. The majority of our teachers are part-time employees and also undertake their own artistic practice alongside their teaching.

Konstfack currently has a vacancy for a Senior Lecturer in the field of Interior Architecture and Furniture Design specialising in spatial design
Konstfack is looking for a Senior Lecturer in the field of Interior Architecture and Furniture Design specialising in spatial design at the Department of Design, Interior Architecture and Visual Communication (DIV) Interior Architecture and Furniture Design at Konstfack constantly develops the notions of rooms and interiors, furniture and objects. Interior Architecture and Furniture Design at Konstfack explores the fields interiors and materiality,interiors and urban societyandinterior and atmospheres. We challenge and reconsider the discipline as well as the professional role in order to meet the challenges which society and the profession are facing.

Areas of responsibility

• to develop and manage courses within the field,
• to supervise students,
• as a part of thefacultyyou will take part indevelopingthesubject and theprogramme forInterior Architecture andFurniture Design,
• conduct pedagogical development and making contacts in and outside of Konstfack,
• participatinginKonstfack's joint work, for example, by assuming the roleof a representative indifferent committees and working groups.

The position
The position is for 50 per cent of a fulltime position for no longer than five years, with the option of renewing the appointment for a maximum of another five years. Our goal is to be an equal workplace, with equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for all employees. The appointment will take effect as soon as possible.

Persons qualified to be appointed as Senior Lecturer in the artistic field should have

• demonstrated teaching proficiency,
• obtained a PhD in Fine Arts or demonstrated artistic skills or have other professional skills relevant to the subject area and associated with the position and the duties entailed therein. As much attention shall be given to the assessment of teaching skills as to the assessment of other qualifying criteria (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 4 Section 4, point 2),
• special skill in the subject area associated with the appointment (Konstfack's Appointment Procedure),
• completed university teacher training or in some other way acquired equivalent skills. An applicant who in all other respects is considered qualified, but who lacks the teacher training, must pass that course (7.5 higher education credits) and acquire the missing qualifications no later than five years after the start of their appointment. (Konstfack's Appointment Procedure)

Assessment criteria
The applicant is to have (of equal importance):

• a documented contemporary practice and experience of the subject area at a high artistic level,
• very good artistic skills within spatial design,
• very good practical and theoretical knowledge of the subject area,
• very good knowledge about current development within the field,
• a documented pedagogical experience of tutoring and supervising on a higher education level,
• very good knowledge about historical and contemporary forms of representation and presentation of the subject area,
• a good ability to integrate a normcritical perspective in the education,
• an interest of artistic research
• an interest of the subject areas' part in relation to current and future challenges in the society at large.

And also (of equal importance):

• good ability to lead, engage and motivate the students in their development within the subject area.
• good ability to express themselves in English and in one of the Scandinavian languages,
• organisational ability and administrative experience,
• a documented good ability to cooperate.

We wish to have your application documents written in English
The application must contain:

• a brief account of the applicant's own activities in the field,
• a brief account of ideas and visions concerning the subject area, content and artistic development work,
• a brief account of your visions regarding pedagogical development work,
• documented teaching skills. Specify your teaching and supervising experience by giving examples of courses, level, scope, language and your role as a teacher,
• a certified CV,
• relevant copies of grades and certificates to support the merits listed in the application,
• four references including name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. At least two references must be a student or PhD student,
• a list and representative sample of your work (max. 10 items).

Please submit your completed application electronically, marked with ref no. KF2017/VO2P/85 no later than 14 February 2018. Read more at our website: www.konstfack.se/ledigajobb. Click the button marked Apply below to register your application.

We have made our media choices and we do not wish to be contacted with additional offers of publishing sites and recruitment services.

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2018-02-14
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Box 3601
12627 Stockholm

Box 3601


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