Installation Package Leader Mechanical and Process Systems

Odigo Consulting AB / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Lund
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We have a great opportunity to offer a shot at a challenging assignment at one of our interesting and important customers.

Education/ training:

• Hot work training (preferred)
• BAS-U (preferred)

Several years' experience from:

• Leading and management of large scale installations projects including e.g. activities listed; Process systems including pipes pumps supports heat exchangers etc.
• quality control work including inspection plans
• Creating and reviewing associated design documentation such as work instructions, buildability reviews, Health & Safety plans and other installation related documents.
• coordination of subcontractors
• Planning and follow up of installation time schedules

Scope of the assignment:

In this position, the candidate will be responsible for the quality and schedule of various electrical installation packages within the project.

Most of the work will be done through selected installation contractors, which require good communication skill and experience to work through and with other managers.

Mech./process Installation Package includes installation of:

Mechanical installations including platforms mock-up's etc.

Process systems including pipes pumps supports heat exchangers etc.

The installation Package Leader is Responsible for:

• The installation preparation work leading up to Installation readiness Review (IRR)

• The actual installation on site and coordination of installation inspections and quality inspections and documentation

• The installation follows all rules and regulations

during installation and that necessary documents and material are available in time for the installation work.

The installation Package Leader's Mandate:

• Steering and controlling the installation

• Making decisions and priorities within the Installation Package.

• Making decisions about cost changes (within frames) during the installation.

• Give needed support /improve the contractors progress


To ensure the quality of the recruitment process with us and enable good communication with our applicants, we ask you to submit your application in English digitally via our recruitment system on the website.

We reject all offers of advertising and recruitment assistance in connection with this advertisement.

Questions are answered by Emil Borgman, 0734-32 03 17 or

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Sista dag att ansöka är 2022-05-31
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Odigo Consulting AB

Detta är ett heltidsjobb.

Odigo Consulting AB ( 556887-7327),


Emil Borgman
+46 734 32 03 17


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