ICT/ teacher librarian

Stockholms Stad:International School of the Stockholm Region / Bibliotekariejobb / Stockholm
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En annons från Stockholms stad.

Stockholm växer som aldrig förr. Våra ambitioner är höga - Stockholm är möjligheternas stad. Nu söker vi dig som vill vara med och forma morgondagens Stockholm.

The International School of the Stockholm Region is a publically funded international school which exists primarily to serve the educational needs of the transient and/or international community of Stockholm. The school runs the International Baccalaureate's curricula. The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is offered to students from 5-11 years of age and the Middle Years Programme (MYP) is offered to students from 11-16 and the Diploma Programme (DP) is offered to students from 16-19 years of age. The school's language of instruction is English for all subjects. At ISSR students can receive an internationally-recognized education in English from 5 to 19 years of age in one location in the center of Stockholm.
1 plats(er). ICT/ teacher librarian
ISSR needs a full-time ICT/ teacher librarian. The ICT/ teacher librarian supports and contributes to unit planning and development in PYP and MYP IB-programmes with an emphasis on development of 21st-century learning skills.

Responsibilities include:
• Teaching information skills
• Participating in collaborative planning
• Providing ICT and library support to teachers and students
• Building the library resources
• Providing professional development in ICT for staff in the PYP and MYP
A qualified candidate will be:
• An experienced educator
• Has library experience
• Highly competent with ICT
• Has IB training and experience
• Has a high level of communication skills (parents, teacher team, students)
• Has experience working with Follett Destiny and the Dewey system
• Is a native English-speaker

Löneform: Månadslön. Månadslön.
Anställningsform: Tillsvidare.
Krav på arbetslivserfarenhet: Erfarenhet krävs.
Arbetstid: 40 hours/w, monday to friday.
Tjänsten kan komma att föregås av en provanställning, på högst 6 månader.
The contract may have a probation period, not exceeding 6 months.
Tjänsten kan endast sökas digitalt på denna sida.
We only accept online applications through this webiste.
Tjänsten är ledig under förutsättning att den ej tas i anspråk av övertalig personal inom staden.
The position is available provided it is not claimed by surplus staff working in the city.

För mer information om tjänsten, tag kontakt med:
Rektor Karin Henrikson Ahlberg

Julia Tsygan, Lärarförbundet, 08-508 426 51 (facklig)
Mikael Hansén Goobar , LR, 08-508 426 51 (facklig)

Erfarenhet krävs


Arbetstider och omfattning
Heltid Tillsvidare


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2015-02-17
Ansökan skickas till:
International School of the Stockholm Region
Ange följande referens när du ansöker: A30652
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Karin Henrikson Ahlberg

Stockholms Stad:International School of the Stockholm Region

Stockholms Stad:International School of the Stockholm Region
Bohusgatan 24-26
11220 Stockholm



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