Experienced R&D Engineer, Powertrain Control

Volvo Technology Corporation / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Göteborg
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About the department of Mechatronics & Software
The rapid growth of electrically driven and electronically controlled systems in all types of vehicles creates great opportunities for talented people to participate in demanding research and development projects. We perform Mechatronics and Software R&D activities within areas that are crucial for future success, such as safety, energy efficiency and reliability. Our staff of employees is multidisciplinary and covers a wide range of engineering sciences.
We are now looking for professionals with a strong interest in research and control engineering with some experience from the automotive field or similar area.
Job description:
You will work with research and development of control systems, mainly for powertrain but also for other vehicle control functions. The goal is to integrate control of hybrid electric, as well as conventional, powertrain systems with other vehicle systems in order to optimize energy efficiency and performance of vehicles.
Typical tasks include:
• Research and advanced engineering related to powertrain and vehicle control systems
• Development and industrialization of control system solutions
• Simulation, analysis and control function development with Matlab/Simulink
• Planning and coordination of public funding and Volvo internal R&D projects
• Networking with automotive industry and academic units
As a professional within your area of expertise, you will listen to and analyse stakeholder?s needs in the process of transforming technical knowledge into true customer value. Furthermore, contacts and cooperation with colleagues inside and outside the Volvo global organisation is part of our daily businesses.
• Minimum Master of Science or preferably a research degree in engineering physics, mechatronics, electronics or equivalent
• A solid background in analysis and design of control systems
• Experience in powertrain or related control system engineering
• Desire to focus on customer needs in combination with an ability to create new solutions and concepts
• Like to work on your own initiative and undertake responsibility
• Analytical skills and holistic view
• You have an open and positive attitude, good communication skills (English is required, Swedish and French are beneficial) and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions
• The job is dependent of a good network within and outside the company; therefore your ability to communicate effectively and to establish and maintain such networks in different areas in a global multi-cultural environment is essential
At Volvo Technology we are actively working to establish groupings that will take maximum advantage of the strength inherent in differences in knowledge, experience, age, gender and nationality, etc.


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Sista dag att ansöka är 2010-11-19
Sök tjänsten www.volvogroup.com. Career & Jobs
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Mats Andersson, Group Manager Simulation and Control, + 46 31 322 60 9

Volvo Technology Corporation

Volvo Technology Corporation
40508 Göteborg


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