Doktorand i Reglerteknik

Luleå Tekniska Universitet / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Luleå
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Doktorand i Reglerteknik med inriktning mot optimerad framkomlighet för tunga terränggående fordon
Reglerteknik vid Luleå tekniska universitet söker en doktorand som tillsammans med oss vill vara med om att utveckla nästa generationens styrsystem för tunga terränggående fordon.
Construction machines are equipped with differentials, devices used to compensate for momentary differences in wheel rotation speed during cornering or travelling on uneven ground. Three-axle vehicles, such as articulated haulers, are equipped with both axle and inter-axle (or centre) differentials. These are devices for distributing the driving power of the engine at a predetermined ratio. Inter-axle differentials also permit a rotation speed difference between the front and rear wheels. This is necessary, for instance, during cornering.
There are, however, several driving situations in which open differentials have severe disadvantages. One example is when the articulated hauler travels uphill when fully loaded. In this case the rear portion of the vehicle drops and the front portion lifts. In this situation, if the road surface is slippery or has uneven spots, the front wheels may slip. In addition, because of the inter-axle differential, the driving force of the vehicle is dependent on the smaller of the torques transmitted to the road surface by the front and rear wheels respectively. If the front wheels slip, then the vehicle acceleration decreases and it may even stop.
For the reasons given here, Volvo CE desire improved solutions, beyond the present state of locked/open differentials, in order to achieve better drivability for increased productivity from the four and six-wheel drive for its wheel loaders and haulers. The resulting system, which may include innovative mechanical and automatic control solutions, must be automatic i.e. without the requirement for additional driver decisions. In addition, the new system must result in less stress and wear on mechanical components, including tyres and transmissions. Safety must improve. In particular, driving with locked differentials should be avoided when road friction characteristics change. An important specification is that the new system must be relatively cheap to implement.
This project will be focused on the development of control algorithms for traction control of construction machines and on the integration of control and embedded system design. The integration is aimed at producing a more effective design process in which the embedded systems characteristics and limitations are included in the control design from the beginning.
The project will be carried out by Volvo CE in collaboration with the Control Engineering group and EISLAB at LTU. One of the project main goals is to build a demonstrator machine in which the control design and software implementation will be validated. Two PhD students and their respective senior researcher will support the project. One of the students will concentrate on the control and modelling aspects, the other on the embedded system and integration design aspects.
Till tjänsten söker vi en initiativrik person med social kompetens och stort intresse för reglerteknik. Du har goda kunskaper i engelska och lätt för att uttrycka dig i både tal och skrift.
Kvalifikationer och bedömningsgrunder: Civilingenjörsexamen med inriktning mot reglerteknik. Speciellt meriterande är teoretisk och praktisk erfarenhet inom reglering av tunga fordon.


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Luleå Tekniska Universitet

Luleå Tekniska Universitet
97187 LULEÅ

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