Data Analyst

Tetra Pak / Matematikerjobb / Lund
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Do you want to be a part of a group working with turning data into valuable feedback?
In line with the work in TetraPak to increase the customer satisfaction, Equipment performance statistics plays a vital role. Within Technical Service we are forming a group that is focusing on driving the collection of data, link different systems together and identify patterns in a large amount of numbers. The finding and conclusions are then used internally for benchmarks and improvement actions.
We are now looking for an individual that will take the responsibility for the actual data analysis.
Your main responsibility will be to:
• Analyse existing data
• Development and production of reports


The successful candidate should have theoretical and/or practical experience within the area of data analysis. You really like to work in front of the computer and you master the different tools within Excel. As SAP R3 and MS Office will be a normal part of the working day, work experience within these areas is also required. Knowledge about Qlickview will be considered as an extra asset.
As a person you are self driven, structured and possess an analytic mindset. A very good command in English is essential, both written and spoken. And since the position will involve networking with different parts of the Tetra Pak global organisation, good communication skills are needed.
If you are interested and need further information about the position please contact Anders Färemo +46 46 36 3302. For Trade Union information please contact Unionen/Susan Stigborg Andersson +46 46 36 2432 or Sveriges Ingenjörer/Jörgen Siversson +46 46 36 2914. For information about your application please contact recruiter Christina Hagdahl at +46 46 36 3184.
Please submit your application online at no later than February 4, 2011.

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Please submit your application online at no later than February 4, 201
Ansökan kan tyvärr inte göras via e-post.

Tetra Pak

Tetra Pak
Ruben Rausings gata
22186 LUND

Telefonnummer: 046-361000


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