Cad Quality Design Coordinator

ESS AB, European Spallation Source / Maskiningenjörsjobb / Lund
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The Design Office at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden, invites applications for a Cad Quality Design Coordinator.
Description of position
We are seeking a senior CAD Quality Design Coordinator to promote and contribute to the implementation of the Design Office Computer Aided Design (CAD) Quality processes, particularly with regards to Design Office work instructions concerning CAD data and CAD Data-based methods. The CAD Quality Design Coordinator will supervise, with regards to CAD data quality, the CAD design activities performed by Designers at ESS and the partnership around Europe. He/she will develop, coordinate and check CAD data and CAD Data Base (DB) studies over the entire life-cycle and contribute to collaboration. 
The successful candidate should have a background in mechanical engineering and will be responsible for the quality of the CAD in general, as well as performing CAD data reviews of design tasks in their early design phase. He/she will perform coordination and development task as Design Coordinator in collaboration with the PLM solution center. This work will be carried out in the Design Office in Lund, Sweden, in a close collaboration with our 16 European partner countries.
• Master of Science or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering and/or higher diploma in Computer-Aided Design or equivalent.
• A minimum of 5 years experience (including experience as Leading Designer) in a Mechanical Design Office in a large multi-disciplinary project performed in an international environment, preferably in a remote design collaboration manner.
• A minimum of 7 years experience in design work involving advanced CAD system (3D, drawings and multi-discipline process diagrams), including 3 years with CATIA 5 and experience with ENOVIA V6. Experience with previous versions of Enovia, Matrix One or with other integrated database systems would be advantageous.
Description of department
The Design office contributes to the overall integration of ESS. Main areas are Cad-service, Coordination, Integration and Mechanical design. The work is performed in remote-design collaboration with our partners around Europe.
Duration & Location
It is a permanent position. The position is stationed in Lund, Sweden.
Start date
To be discussed, but as soon as possible.
Application & Contact
Please provide your curriculum vitae and covering letter in English by clicking on "apply" and follow the instructions. It is a requirement of our application process that the names and contacts details (e-mail address and phone number) of three references be provided. The deadline for applications is 22nd May 2011.
For further information please contact Design Office Manager, Peter Rådahl, peter.radahl[at]
The European Spallation Source ESS AB will design, build and operate a multi-disciplinary, large-scale research infrastructure based on the world's most powerful neutron source. ESS will provide scientists with unique and powerful neutron scattering instruments for the study of a large range of materials - from polymers and pharmaceuticals to membranes and molecules. The ESS project is partnered by 16 European countries, and hosted by Sweden and Denmark. The ESS will be built in Lund, Sweden, by a collaboration of European scientists and engineers. ESS is planned to produce the first neutrons by 2019.
ESS aim to ensure that staff are employed on the basis of ability and the requirements of the job, and that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment because of race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
(We have made our media choice regarding recruitments and kindly decline contact with media sellers.)


Arbetstider och omfattning
Dag , Heltid , Tillsvidareanställning

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ESS AB, European Spallation Source

ESS AB, European Spallation Source
Stora Algatan 4
22350 Lund


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